The Crucible Act II – part 1 RECAP Read about semicolons ON PAGE 7; Then complete pages 7&8
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Allusion: a reference to a known piece of art, music, or literature. The writer assumes that the reader will recognize the reference and add the ideas and meaning associated with it into the current context.
In The Crucible “Abigail brings the other girls into the court, and where she walks the crowd will part like the sea for Israel” (53).
Fourteen people are now in jail. If these accused witches do not confess, they will be hanged.
John Proctor and his wife have tension as he tries to please her. Mary Warren, their servant, has gone to the witch trials, against Elizabeth’s order that she remain in the house.
Go to page 26 in your reader. Label page #26 Elizabeth tells John the trials are being taken seriously, and she wants him to go to Salem to say Abigail and the girls are faking it. Elizabeth was accused in court. Elizabeth blames John for not showing Abigail any contempt and believes Abigail wants her dead.
He says that he cannot prove it because Abigail told him while they were alone in a room. Elizabeth loses all faith in him when she hears that he and Abigail were alone together.
When Mary Warren returns home, she gives Elizabeth a poppet (doll) that she sewed in court, saying that it is a gift. She reports that thirty- nine people now stand accused. John and Mary argue over whether Mary can continue attending the trials.
Comes to investigate each “accused” to assess Arrives late to the Proctor household right before John was going to go into town.
Act II – Part 2 page #63 Roles: Hale Proctor Elizabeth Mary Warren Giles Correy Francis Nurse Cheever Herrick
Hale proceeds to ask questions about the Christian character of the Proctor home. He notes that the Proctors have not often attended church and that their youngest son is not yet baptized.
Proctor explains that he does not like Parris’s preaching. Hale asks them to recite the Ten Commandments; Proctor tries but forgets one…..
Complete #3
Giles Correy and Francis Nurse rush into Proctor’s home, crying that their wives have been arrested. Rebecca is charged with the supernatural murders of Mrs. Putnam’s babies. Martha Corey reads books…
A man bought a pig from Martha Corey and it died not long afterward; he wanted his money back, but she refused, saying that he did not know how to care for a pig. Every pig he purchased thereafter died, and he accused her of bewitching him so that he would be incapable of keeping one alive.
Complete #4 4.)What theological argument does John Hale use to explain the causes of the events in Salem? He says, “…until the hour before the Devil fell, God thought him beautiful” (175, line 710).
Ezekiel Cheever and Herrick, the town marshal, arrive with a warrant for Elizabeth’s arrest.
Allusion to Pontius Pilate Pontius Pilate the Roman representative who judged the trial of Jesus. Pilate believed Jesus was innocent, but allowed the crowd to prosecute him anyway as that was the will of the people. Proctor alludes to Pontius Pilate by calling him a traitor and inferring that he can't get away with putting someone to death who is innocent without paying the price and having that sin be on his conscious.
Proctor tells Mary that she has to testify the truth in court. Mary declares that Abigail will kill her if she does, and that Abigail would charge him with lechery.
Exit Ticket Review Mrs. Putnam Convince Mr. Parris there is witchcraft. Pathos because she mentions her dead babies or Logos because she attempts to reason why there are witches. Appeal to Ignorance (Burden of Proof) OR False Causality
Exit Ticket Review Giles Correy Asking Reverend Hale about his wife for clarification since he’s confused Logos – because he is implies there is a connection between his prayer and his wife’s reading False Causality because he thinks because A B that A causes B #3: “It discomfits me! Last night – mark this – I tried and tried and could not say my prayers. And then she close her book and walks out of the house, and suddenly – mark this – I could pray again!”
Defending why he wants the deed to the church Ethos because he defends that a minister has authority Red Herring because he distracts going from defending his authority to threatening of hell OR Band Wagon, everyone must be with the church OR Overgeneralization because he implies all ministers are good #4: “I want a mark of confidence, is all! I am your third preacher in seven years. I do not wish to be put out like the cat whenever some majority feels the whim. You people seem not to comprehend that a minister is the Lord’s man in the parish; a minister is not to be so lightly crossed and contradicted… There is either obedience or the church will burn like Hell is burning!”
Abigail Elizabeth Abigail targets Elizabeth; John is her motivation.
John Proctor Self John wants forgiveness, but he can’t seem to forgive himself for his sin. It shows he really regrets his sin.
John Proctor Rev. Parris and others like him Proctor does not fit in with the community. He does not want to be a follower. The society generally follows the minister’s wishes.
Sadness overcomes your heart. Elizabeth i Elizabeth says John is not forgiving himself of his sin because the “judge” sits in his heart.” John says Elizabeth’s willingness to forgive, or justice, is cold. John wants to take revenge on Abigail. Reverend Hale says religion is too strong to be taken down.