“Autistic Disorder” Maideyi Simmons January 8,2013 Early Childhood Education
What is “Autistic Disorder”? Autism is a developmental disability that typically appears the first years of life. It is the result of a neurological disorder that effects the functioning of the brain in the areas of reasoning, social interaction and communication skills.
“ Autism Effects” Communication - Language develops slowly or not at all. - Use of words with attaching a meaning. - Gestures used instead of words ( body language ). - Short attention spans.
“Autism Effects” Social Interaction - May spend time alone rather than others. - Show little interests in making friends. - Less responsive social cues, such as eye contact or smiles.
“Autism Effects” Sensory Impairment - Unusual reaction to physical sensations, such as being overly sensitive to touch or under responsive to pain. - Sight, hearing, smell, and taste may be affected to a lesser or greater degree.
“ Autism Effects” Play - Lack of spontaneous or imaginative play. - Does not imitate action of others. - Does not initiate pretend games.
“Autism Effects” Behavior - May be overactive or very passive. - Frequent tantrums for no apparent reason. - May respectively play with single item, idea or person. - May show violent behavior to injure self.
“ About Autism” There is no actual cure or anything you can do if your child is autistic. However, parents see their child’s doctor, have therapy trials and to make sure the child is healthy.
Sources... Google.com Google images disease/autism/overview.html