Neural transmission
The Reticular theory vs the Synaptic theory
The “resting Membrane Potential”
Ions are responsible for the Resting membrane potential
Hyperpolarization –Moves potential away from zero –(more negative) Depolarization –Moves the potential toward zero –(less negative)
What is special about “threshold?”
The forces of Diffusion
The Neurons membrane separates the different ions
The membrane controls diffusion
By opening or closing Ion channels
If ion channels are open; diffusion across concentration and electrostatic gradients will occur
Threshold Depolarization activates Na+ ion channels….and then Na+ influx will occur NA+ influx makes the potential more positive…K+ channels then open and K+ efflux occurs…the neuron moves back toward the RMP
Once triggered, the AP is all or none, and “one-way.”
Action potential arrives at terminals
Causing the release of neurotransmitters into the synapse
The action potential at the terminals causes Neurotransmitter release into the synapse.
NTs bind to post-synaptic receptors
EFFECTS OF NTs? IPSPs: inhibitory post synaptic potentials –Hyperpolarization –Decrease probability of action potential EPSPs: excitatory post synaptic potentials –Depolarization –Increase probability of action potential
Ways that receptor activation can lead to IPSPs or EPSPs
Neural Integration: if enough EPSPs occur threshold depolarization will activate Na= ion channels
EFFECTS OF NTs? EPSP or IPSP –Depends on the type of Neurotransmitter
Know these: Representative NTs NTsCircuit involvementEffects AcetylcholineNMJ, Autonomic ganglia+/- (Ach)Brain DopamineVTA, Subst. Nigra+/- (DA)accumbens NorepinephrineRAS, many brain+/- (NE)regions SerotoninRaphe, Ctx,+/- (5-HT)many regions Gama-Amino-Ubiquitous- Butyric acid (GABA) GlutamateUbiquitous+ (Glu) EndorphinPAG, VTA, +/- Enkephalin (End/Enk)
Ex: Why is ACH sometimes excitatory and other times inhibitory? Receptor subtypes Effects depend on receptor subtype
Neurotransmitters bind to receptor sites to produce postsynaptic effects
NT-Receptor Specificity Activation of a receptor will lead to either Excitation or Inhibition. l Lock & Key Model l NT = key l Receptor = lock A given NT substance will only activate specific receptor proteins, and can not activate receptors for other NTs
Two General Types of Receptor: Ionotropic receptors: the receptor is an ion channel Metabotropic receptors: Activation of the receptor will in turn activate a “second” messenger chemical that may open or close ion channels
Metabotropic Receptors
One Neurotransmitter may activate any of a “family” of receptor subtypes ACH in the ANS can activate the “Muscarinic” ACH receptor (mACH), a metabotropic receptor type. ACH release in the somatic branch of the PNS activates the “Nicotinic” ACH receptor (nACHr). An ionotropic receptor type. Activation of the mACHr leads to an inhibitory response. Activation of the nACHr leads to an excitatory response.
NT-receptor interactions must stop! Enzymatic degradation
Nerve gases block ACHE-preventing breakdown of Acetylcholine.
Different nerve gas compounds; all chemically related to Diisoflourphosphate (DFP) common in low concentrations in insecticides and some pesticides.
The effects of nerve gas poisoning reflect normal functions of ACH mostly in the PNS Functional paralysis of muscle activity is a result of poisoning. Death is most often due to anoxia, because you can not respire. Antidotes involve drugs that block the effects of ACH
The effects of other NTs are terminated by Reuptake. E.g. the serotonin transport protein recycles 5 Ht from synapse.
Drugs may affect neural transmission in many different ways
Agonism and Antagonism Agonism- drug effects that are in the direction of or promote the natural effects of a given NTs at its synapse. Antatgonism- drug effects that are in the opposing direction of or inhibit the natural effects of a given NTs at its synapse.