Central Idea/Implied Main Idea What comes first? The main idea or the support details? Try it backwards for a change!
LOOK AT SUPPORT FIRST The main idea? NECKLACESBRACELETS RINGS EARRINGS We assume jewelry until we discover another detail: A First Place OLYMPIC MEDAL That changes everything to things that are GOLD
What is the main idea? What would be a good title? The calm, Cool face of the river Asked me for a kiss.
Suicide’s Note The calm, Cool face of the river Asked me for a kiss. Now, the whole tone and intention of the poem is different. That’s why understanding the main idea of what we read is crucial to comprehension. FYI Langston Hughes is making a literary allusion to the myth “Echo and Narcissus”
Organization leads to Central Idea Problem Solution? The solution is usually the whole point of the text Cause/Effect? The effect is usually the whole point of the text
Haiku ( 俳句 high-koo) are short poems that use sensory language to capture a feeling or image. They are often inspired by an element of nature, a moment of beauty or a poignant experience. 3 lines, 17 syllables Line 1 – 5 syllables Line 2 – 7 syllables Line 3 – 5 syllables See hand-out. The title is your swatch description. See my example.
THERE ARE 7 SHAPES USED TWICE Can you find them?
1. The triangle on the desk – the triangle on the wastepaper basket 2. The guy´s hair – the green object above the radio 3. The end of the door knob – the guy´s earphone piece 4. The tooth shapes on the cats back – the same shapes on the bottom left of the poster 5. The support piece on the back of the chair – the end of the arm of the architect´s desk tool 6. The swivel piece at the end of the lamp just before the light itself – the swivel piece on the last part of the arm of the architect´s tool 7. The drawer puller – the red wood railing along the wall on the right has that shape at 90 degrees
Exercise multiple areas of your brain by trying to answer this riddle: A blind beggar had a brother who died. What relation was the blind beggar to the brother who died? “Brother” is not the answer. Now, your brain’s turn. What is the answer?
Exercise multiple areas of your brain by trying to answer this riddle: A blind beggar had a brother who died. What relation was the blind beggar to the brother who died? “Brother” is not the answer. Now, your brain’s turn. What is the answer?
Brain Use: This puzzle touches on analytical functions like abstract reasoning, hypotheis testing, and implicit assumptions residing in your frontal lobes, as well as your creativiity in finding novel solutions to problems and emotional memory.
The blind beggar was the sister of her brother, who died.