LEADERSHIP, PLANNING, AND ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE Prof. Jintae Kim, PhD Alliance Theological Seminary (845) ext Website:
I owe the content of this presentation to the class notes of Dr. Martin Sanders at Alliance Theological Seminary.
DEFINITION OF PLANNING “Any process by which an organization comes to consensus regarding what its goals should be, how these goals should be obtained and how progress will be measured.” 인간이 만든 조직 내에서 조직의 목표설정과 달성방법과 그 성취도를 측정하는 방법에 관해 합의를 끌어내는 과정을 말한다.
WHY DO WE HAVE TO PLAN? 1. Planning sets direction. 방향설정 2. Planning can establish priorities. 우선순위 확립 3. Planning can promote broad input and ownership. 참여의식과 주인의식 고취 4. Planning can provide a framework for assessment. 평가근거 공급 5. Planning can promote shared assumptions. 구성원들로 하여금 사고근거를 공유케 함.
TYPES OF PLANNING Management by objectives Long-range planning (LRP) Mid-range planning Strategic planning
MANAGEMENT BY OBJECTIVES 1. The first attempt at creating a measurable set of criteria for performance: Management focuses not upon how one performs but upon what is accomplished. 성과측정근거 마련 2. A manager and an employee sit down and determine mutually accepted objectives for the employee. 공동목표 설정 3. Performance is determined by measuring the extent to which these objectives are realized. 목표실현의 정도에 따른 성과 측정
LONG-RANGE PLANNING (LRP) 1. It seeks to chart the course of the intended development of an organization. 조직발전 과정의 챠트화 2. Performance goals are mapped out in advance and progress is charted against these goals over time. 달성목표와 목표대비 성과의 사전계획표 작성 3. Long-range planning approaches can be utilized in organizations that operate in environments which are stable over time. Since few of these remain, LRP is not commonly used. 미래예측가능한 조직에 주로 적용.
MID-RANGE PLANNING 1. It became a popular addition to long-range planning. 2. It differs from long-range planning in that it does not attempt to chart the entire course of an organization’s development. 조직발전 코스 전반을 보여주지 않는다. 3. Instead, it focuses on a pre-set period of time, usually 5 or 10 years, and addresses predictable development within this period. 보통 5-10 년 주기로 정해진 기간내에서 예측가능한 발전과정에 촛점을 맞춘다.
STRATEGIC PLANNING 1. It ignores time frames and constantly focuses upon current opportunities and threats. 당면한 기회나 위협에 촛점을 맞춘 계획 2. It involves ongoing assessment of the organization’s external environment and internal condition. 조직의 외적 여건과 내적상황의 지속적 점검요
3. Objectives are identified addressed because of strategic importance, not because of their predetermined sequence. It constantly asks “what is going on? (S.W.O.T. analysis) and “what do we now?” SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. 전략적으로 중요성에 따라 목표를 설정.
FIVE ELEMENTS The three critical questions Participation Specificity Data Communication
3 CRITICAL QUESTIONS 1. What is it that we are trying to do? Mission and Context to be considered. 목적점검. 2. How will we do this? Structure, human resources, politics, and culture to be considered. 자원점검. 3. How will we know when it is done? A measuring stick to determine progress to be provided. 성과측정방법.
PARTICIPATION Ideally, planning should reach vertically through an organization and utilize the first- hand knowledge of all participants 모든 조직원이 참여하여 머리를 모으는 것이 이상적.
SPECIFICITY A plan should be specific and easily understandable.
DATA To answer questions raised in planning, data must be collected. In the absence of data, decisions will be based on personal opinion, personal preference, or personal experience. None of these can be generalized. 구체적인 계획수립을 위해서는 객관적인 자료수집이 필수적이다.
COMMUNICATION As a plan causes priorities to emerge, these priorities, and the assumptions that caused them to become priorities, should be communicated broadly throughout the organization.
THREE MODELS OF PLANNING Deficit-reduction model Master-planning Total Quality Management
DEFICIT-REDUCTION MODEL 1. Seek to identify an ideal profile of what the organization should look like. 이상적 모습. 2. Seeks to construct a profile of the actual current organization. 현재 모습. 3. Identify areas of incongruity between the ideal and the actual. 차잇점 모색. 4. Prioritize problem areas and propose strategies for reducing and eliminating deficits. 우선적으로 처리할 문젯점을 정하고 개선전략을 제안.
MASTER-PLANNING (D.O.C.T.O.R. PROCESS) 1. Direction 방향설정 2. Organization 조직 3. Cash/Resources 자원점검 4. Tracking 진도측정 5. Overall evaluation 평가 6. Refinement
DIRECTION Establish organizational purpose, chief objectives and goals.
ORGANIZATION 1. Determine who is responsible for meeting the objectives and goals.
CASH/RESOURCES 1. Determine what resources are necessary to meet these goals 2. Determine what resources are used for non- priority items and make appropriate changes.
TRACKING Determine (1) What should be measured; 대상 (2) Who should measure it; 담당 (3) How should it be measured; 방법 (4) How this measurement should be reported; 보고방법 (5) Who should it be reported to. 보고대상
OVERALL EVALUATION Based upon information from tracking (1) Determine the effectiveness of people and processes. (2) Communicate these assessments to the people involved.
REFINEMENT As information and insight emerges from moving through the D.O.C.T.O.R. process, how can this information be used to improve the process?
TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT Seek to define “quality” 품질이란 ? Seek to quantify “quality” 품질의 수치화 Seek to improve processes 공정개선법 ? Celebrate improvement 개선을 축하 Measure and repeat the cycle
SEEK TO DEFINE “ QUALITY ” Determine what is important or essential if it is lacking the product or service lacks quality. (1) This usually involves the creation of a purpose statement for a product or service. (2) It involves not only internal participants but “customers” who use the product or service.
SEEK TO QUANTIFY “ QUALITY ” Determine what can be measured to ascertain the extent to which quality presently exists.
SEEK IMPROVE PROCESSES Reduce waste, redundancy and hesitancy by empowering individuals close to processes to improve processes.