Welcome! Intro to Engineering Mr. Rose Room C-130
Course Summary In the engineering profession, communication is defined as the conveying of technical information from one individual to another using either verbal or written instructions. Although verbal instructions are often quicker and easier for the engineering professional to generate, they often lead to misinterpretation and confusion. It is for these reasons that the engineering community has placed great emphasis on the development of graphical representation of engineering information. This includes the development of standard practices and procedures used to develop and ensure the accuracy of engineering drawings. Intro to Engineering Design will teach these standards and expose students to computer software used to accomplish these goals.
Materials Needed - 3 ring binder (1 to 1 1/2 inch) - Lined Paper - Pen - #2 pencil - Ruler - Eraser
Behavior Policy Behavior Policy I fully expect that my engineering students will have little time to misbehave; however, excellent behavior is expected in class at all times. The following guidelines will insure that a productive learning environment is being provided for all students: 1.Follow Directions. 2.Raise hand when you wish to speak and speak only when called on. 3.Stay seated. 4.Be polite and courteous to fellow classmates and adults. 5.Come to class prepared. (Notebook, pencil, HW, book, etc.) 6.Only essential items in class. (No Walkmans, make-up, etc.) 7.No unruly behavior. (Foul language, running, talking out, etc.) *All other school rules also apply in class.
Rewards for Positive Behavior Rewards for Positive Behavior I believe that in addition to consequences for negative behavior, there should be rewards for positive behavior. Following the rules, arriving to class on time, courteous behavior, turning in homework on time, etc. will be rewarded in various ways. Rewards can include bonus points on an assignment, positive calls home, class free time, radio free time and other class "surprises." Work Hard, Behave properly and Earn Rewards!
Consequences for Negative Behavior Consequences for Negative Behavior 1. Warning 2. √= 2 min. after class with Reflective Consequence 3. √√=10 min. time out with Reflective Consequence & possible removal 4. √√√= Call parents 5. √√√√= Beyond my classroom (A.P.)
On Time Policy On Time Policy Arriving to class on time is VERY important. Vista del Lago H.S. tolerates NO tardies. Any student who is late to class without a valid PASS will immediately receive a consequence and will be sent to the office for a pass. Your body must be seated BEFORE the last bell rings to avoid a tardy.
Grading Policy Grading Policy Grades in this course are based on a point system and percentage earned. However, all points earned will be thought of as money. Instead of earning 10 points on a quiz, you will earn $ Grade sheets will be provided so you can keep track of your total “dollars” and grade in the class. Your objective is to accumulate as much money as possible during the semester. Your total dollars earned will be divided by the total amount possible then placed on the following scale. A= % B= % C= % D= % F=59 % and below Earn Those Dollars!!!!!!!!!
Make-Up Policy Late work will not be accepted!!!! In the event of an excused absence, it will be your responsibility to schedule a time to make up the assignments missed. Due to the nature of the class, most assignment can only be completed at school in the computer lab or library. I will not be reminding you that you have work to make up.
Get to know you Name: Grade: Address: Phone #: Hobbies: Computer Level: Excellent – Good –Fair - Poor Interest in Engineering: High – medium -low
Room Tour!