The Mexican Revolution of 1910 Sarah Rourke
Timeline of Events November 20, Madero calls for a revolt and starts the revolution Madero claims the presidency after Diaz flees February 22, Madero and his VP are killed, Huerta takes over as president August, Huerta flees and Carranza declares himself president April, Zapata is shot by Carranza and he looses all the support of his followers Carranza tries to flee but is shot outside of Mexico city, elections are held and Obregon wins, Revolution ends with the people gaining their freedom
Key Figures Porfino Diaz- President of Mexico before the revolution, started off as a capable leader but became a dictator and that angered people Francisco Madero- rivaled Diaz in the elections of 1910, declared himself President Pro-temp and called for a revolt on November 20, 1910 Victoriano Huerta- Counter revolutionary leader, became the president with the help of the US ambassador but was hated by most and forced to flee Emiliano Zapata, Francisco "Pancho" Villa, and Pascual Orozco- 3 main revolutionary leaders, began to take control of cities in 1911, played a big part in the whole revolution Alvaro Obregon and Venustantio Carranza- revolutionary leaders that arose after Huerta became president, Carranza became president with the help of Obregon but he turned on Carranza and became president himself and ended the revolution
Diaz Madero CarranzaHuerta Obregon
Outcome and Importance The people of Mexico before the revolution were tired of President Diaz and the poor working conditions, inflation, inferior housing, low wages, and ineffective social services By the end of the revolution the people had gained their freedom from the dictator like rule of Diaz and were improving the insufficient conditions within the country. 900,000 Mexicans fled to the US within the 10 years of the revolution The revolution got Mexico back to a fair system of electing officials
Major Battles of the Revolution
The French and Mexican FrenchMexican Mass murders Involved multiple countries Involved all social classes Leaders stayed to rule afterwards Over unliked rulers Many power shifts 10 years long