The events that lead to the English Civil War (initial state of equilibrium) January , King Charles I was accused 5 members of the House of Commons and one member of the house of lords of high treason. Also Charles relationship with the parliament became so bad that that the lords and commons protected people who said betrayed him. The crown and parliament could not argue when parliament was not sitting. Charles I was first in monarch to inherit the 3 crowns of England. Charles raised an army from the English militia, marched north and then raised those who had signed the covenant; the covenanters were too small for him. Oliver Cromwell was suspected as treason.
THE INCIDENT The cause for the imbalance was that the Scottish Kirk was Presbyterian and always had used different church services from those in England. Charles I wanted all of his people to pray for the same religion. In 1637, Charles ordered the Scots to use a new prayer book like the one in England. The congregation rioted and hurled wooden stools and sticks at the priests. The war was from where the royalists and parliamentarians went to war. They had argued over many things and the last straw was when the Parliamentarians made 19 demands they wanted King Charles to agree. The Parliamentarians won the war
THE EVENTS THAT TOOK PLACE IN THE REVOLUTION In 1625, Charles I of England accedes the throne, and shortly after marries a French, bourbon, and Roman Catholic princess. 1626, parliament dismisses George Villars, 1 st duke of Buckingham, from command of English forces in Europe; Charles, furious, dismisses parliament. 1629, Charles dismisses parliament and does not call it again until 1640, thus commencing the personal rule. 1633, William Laud appointed archbishop of Canterbury , bishop’s war started in Scotland. There were only three major battles in the English Civil War – Edge Hill (1642) Marston Moor (1644) and Naseby (1645). His first major battle of the English Civil War was at Edge Hill. While both sides claimed success, there was no decisive result from this battle. The following year, 1643, saw a series of smaller battles that were equally as indecisive in the sense that neither side dealt a fatal blow to the other. In 1643, Oliver Cromwell came more and more to the fore with his desire for a new model army. This new force was suppose to have a decisive impact on the course of the English Civil War. Charles was executed on Januray,30 th 1649
THE RESULT The civil war had resulted in a lot, from many lives lost and new laws and government. From , was the first of commonwealth of England. April , the rump parliament disbanded by Oliver Cromwell. March , the battle of sever was fought in the province of Maryland and was won by puritan force fighting under a commonwealth flag who defeated a royalist force fighting for lord Baltimore. September was the death of Oliver Cromwell , the protecurate under Richard Cromwell. May , rump parliament restored by Richard Cromwell , the second period of the commonwealth of England. January.30 th.1661, on the 12 th anniversary of the beheading of Charles I, the exhumed remains of Oliver Cromwell were posthumously were executed. Cromwell’s severed head was displayed on a pole outside west minister Abbey until 1685.
The civil war had resulted in a lot, from many lives lost and new laws and government. From , was the first of commonwealth of England. April , the rump parliament disbanded by Oliver Cromwell. March , the battle of sever was fought in the province of Maryland and was won by puritan force fighting under a commonwealth flag who defeated a royalist force fighting for lord Baltimore. September was the death of Oliver Cromwell , the Protecurate under Richard Cromwell. May , rump parliament restored by Richard Cromwell , the second period of the commonwealth of England. January.30 th.1661, on the 12 th anniversary of the beheading of Charles I, the exhumed remains of Oliver Cromwell were posthumously were executed. Cromwell’s severed head was displayed on a pole outside west minister Abbey until 1685.
Charles I Charles was born on November,19,1600 in Fife, Scotland. He died on January 30 th 1649 in London, England. Charles was a royalist (cavalier). His role was that he was commander in chief of royalist and king of England. Prince Rupert Rupert was born on December, 17 th, 1619 in Prague, Bohemia. He died on November,19, 1682 in London, England. He was a royalist (cavalier). His role was that he was a commander of chief, duke of Cumberland and earl of Holderness. Oliver Cromwell Cromwell was born April,25 th, 1599 in Huntingdon, England. He died November,29 th, 1658 in Whitehall, London. He was a parliamentarian (roundhead). He was a general of horse, new model army. Thomas Fairfax Fairfax was born January,17 th, 1612 in Denton, Yorkshire. He died November, 12 th, 1671 in nun apple- town, Yorkshire. He was a parliamentarian (roundhead). He was lord general of new model army and third baron of Cameron. King James I James was born 19 th June 1566 and died 27 th march When he inherited the English crown he thereby united the crowns of the kingdoms of Scotland and England (each country remained legally separate though both ruled by James. William Laud Laud was born in 1573 and died in He was the son of a wealth cloth merchant. Ordained as a priest in 1601, Laud was ambitious and rose quickly through the hierarchy of the church, principally patronage of Richard Neile, bishop of Rochester, who introduced him into the court of King James I. Lauds career flourished on the accession of King Charles I in 1625.