Unit 12 You’re supposed to shake hands. Section A.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 12 You’re supposed to shake hands. Section A

Brazil Korea Japan the United States Mexico

Different countries have different culture.

What do people do when they meet for the first time? shake hands kiss bow

Different countries have different culture.

Countries Customs 1.__Brazil a.bow b.shake hands c.kiss 2.__the united states 3.__Japan 4.__Mexio 5.__Korea c b a b a

Section A

Language points : be supposed to do 被 期望或要求做 … ; 应该做 … 相当于 ” should do sth or to be expected to do sth” be not supposed to do 不 被许可做 … Everyone is supposed to know the law. We’re not supposed to play basketball in the classroom.

Talk about what people in different countries do when they meet for the first time. What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time? They’re supposed to bow. A: B:

What are people in…supposed to do when they meet for the first time? 1. In Brazil 2. In the United States 3. In Japan4.In Korea

shaking hands : You should shake hands with others with a smile. At the same time you shouldn’t wear hats or gloves when you do this. Usually, the time of shaking hands shouldn’t last no more than 3 seconds. It is polite to wait for the ladies, the leaders or the old to show their hands first, then you can shake with them.

bow : When you bow to others, you should stand at attention and take off your hat to show your respect. kiss: If you meet a friend or your relative, you can greet him or her with a hug or a kiss on the cheeks. If you are a couple, you can hug and kiss, but if you are parents and children, you just kiss on the face or forehead. If you are brothers or sisters, you just kiss on the cheeks.

Maria is an exchange student. Last night she had dinner at an American friend’s house. Listen and check (√) the mistakes Maria made. Maria’s mistakes arrived late ate the wrong food greeted Paul’s mother the wrong way wore the wrong cloths √ √ √

Listen again and fill in the blanks. Maria: I was supposed to arrive at 7:00, but I arrived at 8:00. Maria: In my country, it’s different. When you’re invited for 7:00, you’re supposed to. Dan: And you were supposed to instead. Dan: I guess you should have asked what you were supposed to. come later shake hands wear

Role play the conversation between Maria and Dan. How was the dinner at Paul’s house last night? Well, it was OK, but I made some mistake. I was supposed to arrive at 7:00, but I arrived at 8:00. A: B:

In China, what is supposed to do in these following situations? Discuss with your partners 1. greeting teachers say, “Good morning.” 2. doing homework 3. phoning someone 4. visiting someone’s house call first, and knock at the door at home or in school after class say, “Hello, I’m….”

译一译 1. 我们应该按时上交作业。 We are supposed to hand in homework on time. 2. 我们碰到老师时应该问老师好。 We are supposed to say “good morning” when we meet our teachers. 3. 我们不应该上学迟到。 We aren’t supposed to be late for school. 4. 我们不应该在教室踢足球。 We aren’t supposed to play football in the classroom. 5. 他昨天应该 7 点到校。 He was supposed to get to school at 7:00yesterday.

More knowledge we are supposed to know Sentences: We are supposed to…/ We are not supposed to We should / shouldn’t… It’s polite/ rude to… We are allowed to… / We aren’t allowed to… We can/ could/ can’t/ couldn’t… 我们应该 去做 ……

We are supposed to put hands together in front of the chest. What are people in India supposed to do when they meet for the first time?

What are people in Eskimo supposed to do when they meet for the first time? We are supposed to have an Eskimo kiss

Do in Rome as the Romans do

Level A: 根据提示词列举出五条作为学 生在家或在学校等应该做和不应该做 的。 Smoke\do our homework\get our ears pierced speak aloud in/on…\be polite to…\clean up Level B: write a short summary about the country culture we learned. (be supposed to do\be not supposed to do)

Thank you for listening!