1 Salads Chapter 27
2 What’s in Your Salad? Grain products –Rice, pasta, bulgur wheat, couscous –Add complex carbs, B vitamins, fiber Vegetable and fruits –Vitamins A & C, folate, potassium, fiber –Darker the salad, more nutrients they have
3 Dairy products –Cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt –Calcium, protein, riboflavin Meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, & nuts –High-protein foods –Iron, zinc, and B vitamins, fiber
4 Salad dressings –May contain large amounts of fat –Use in moderation
5 Making Salads Great Salad greens = edible leaves Add variety of color, flavor and texture
6 Comparing Greens Iceberg Lettuce Vitamin A = 4% Vitamin C = 4% Folate = 8% Potassium= 2% Spinach (raw) Vitamin A = 40% Vitamin C = 14% Folate = 15% Potassium= 5%
7 Super Tossed Salad Mixture of 2 to 3 mild-flavored greens Add small amounts of zesty greens –Arugula, escarole, dandelion greens Variety of flavors, colors, textures, nutrients –Chopped vegetables, shredded cheese, kidney beans, citrus slices, sunflower seeds, croutons
8 Preparing Salad Choose crisp greens, evenly colored leaves Wash all salad greens under cold water Tear rather than cut greens Shred, slice, or cut other ingredients into bite sized Toss the salad with dressing just before serving Serve salad on chilled plate
9 Other Salad Ideas Tossed or mixed salads –Pasta, potato, egg, cole slaw, carrot-raisin or mixed fruit Arrange salads –Bed of lettuce as base –Top with fruit slices –Scoop of cottage cheese
10 Molded Salads –Made with gelatin –Extra flavor use fruit juices –As gelatin sets, fold in yogurt, sliced bananas, drained canned fruit
11 Tossing in Convenience Buy at deli department Used ingredients from salad bar Grocery store has bagged greens Plan ahead –Chop vegies, cook chicken, boil eggs, pasta ahead of time
12 Salad Dressing Choices Vinaigrette = mixture of oil and vinegar –(3 parts oil, 1 part vinegar or lemon juice, then adding herbs) Dressing adds: –Moisture, holds ingredients together, enhances flavor by lightly coating ingredients
13 Cutting Fat Use less oil Low-fat yogurt Squeeze citrus juice, flavored vinegars Mayo is high in fat, use sparingly
14 Storing Salads Keep chilled for freshness Store in plastic bags or covered containers in your fridge Stored at room temp could = food-borne illness Take a cooler for picnic
15 Salad Bar Savvy Serving from salad bar is not always low-fat or low-calorie Fill your plate with fresh vegies and fruits Include dry beans, hard-cooked eggs, lean meat or turkey (if main dish) Go easy on mixed salads tossed in oil or mixed with mayo
16 Salad Bar Savvy cont…. Have just a little salad dressing or choose the fat-free variety To control portions, make just one trip to the salad bar
17 Alton Brown Video salads