Hot Under the Collar (part III) Crystals & Textures Rocks at last!!!!
How Does a Magma Crystallise? Homogeneous Nuclei - crystal nuclei grown from the magma. Heterogeneous Nuclei - crystal nuclei that have survived in the melt.
Nucleation Textures - Spherulites Usually in glassy rocks such as rhyolites, obsidian and pitchstone.
Nucleation Textures - Variolites Variolitic Olivine Dolerite
Nucleation Textures - Overgrowths Dendritic overgrowths on feldspar phenocrysts
Nucleation Texture - Corona (Overgrowths) Nucleation on the surface of a crystal often leads to preferred orientation Sometimes heterogeneous nucleation can cause metastable crystallisation of a phase that does not have the lowest gibbs free energy. Melting generated from tridymite crystallises as tridymite rather than the stable form cristobalite.
Crystal Morphology (Shape) Crystal structure strongly influences crystal shape by the preferred growth of faces. Those faces that grow fastest are the least developed.
Crystal Spatial Density Phenocrysts often have euhedral (perfect) faces. Hornblende Andesite
Crystal Spatial Density Minerals crystallised later in the crystallisation sequence are often intergranular (or intersertal if fine-grained with glass). Dolerite
Crystal Spatial Density Final crystallisation products are often equigranular peridotite
Supercooling & Cooling Rate Supercooling is NOT the same as cooling rate. Rapid cooling often causes to supercooling because it does give enough time for crystallisation to occur. High magma viscosity also caused supercooling because diffusion is lower in viscous melts (e.g. Acid magmas) High temperature magmas often have large supercooling when they cool since nuclei are destroyed at high temperature. Unusual crystal shapes develop at large supercooling.
Hopper Instability At large supercooling (low temperature) diffusion rates are low. Grow on the corners of crystals is then preferred because these are supplied by the largest volume of liquid. Such growth produces skeletal crystals (they contain holes).
Skeletal Olivines (Hoppers) Picritic (Mg-rich) Basalt
Skeletal Plagioclase Dolerite
Dendrite Instabilities
Dendrites Curved Branching Pyroxenes in a Komatiite.
Comb-layering (Dendrites) Comb layering in chilled margins of dykes.
Parallel Growth Crystals Barred Olivine Chondrules Peridotite
If All Else Fails: Glass Formation Devitrification in a pitchstone
Cosmic Spherules Magma droplets formed by the melting of extraterrestrial dust particles as they slow down in the atmosphere.
Cosmic Spherules Knowing their maximum temperatures and cooling rates we can estimate the orbits of cosmic spherules.