Globalisation, Culture and Lifestyle Seminar Eleven: Performing the Self: identity, individualism and lifestyle
Key Lessons From The Lecture Lifestyle is seen as the key currency of modern life (identity capital) It is concerned with the stylisation of everyday life The body can be used as a canvas for communicative action The body as a project Issues of instant gratification
Referencing – direct quotes In the text “The de-industrialisation of cities has created a situation where policy makers have, in the words of Miles (2005:913) “desperately sought to explore the possibilities for a post- industrial future” Surname (year: page number) Where there are more than three authors do not list all of the surnames, put the first surname, followed by ‘et al’ For example, Bowdin, et al (2006:67)
References - paraphrasing In the text In recent years cultural regeneration has developed from an alternative to urban development policy into a core strategy for many regions and cities throughout the world (Garcia, 2005) Surname, Year
Referencing - websites In the text Where there is an actual author use their name (e.g. newspaper articles) It has been suggested that highland games are losing their battle for survival (Ross, 2011) Where there is no name use the website name It was reported that ‘girls are growing up in a moral abyss’ (BBC News, 2011) In the reference list Ross, J. Highland Games in Losing Battle for Survival. Scotland on Sunday. Available at sunday/scotland/highland_games_in_losing_battle_for_sur vival_1_ accessed on Monday 21 st November sunday/scotland/highland_games_in_losing_battle_for_sur vival_1_ BBC News (2011) Girls Growing up in Moral Abyss. BBC News. Available at accessed on Monday 21 st November
Referencing – reference list Books: Bowdin, G.A.J., Allen, J., O'Toole, W., Harris, R. and McDonnell, I. (2006). Events Management. 2nd edn. Oxford, Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann. Journals: Garcia, B. (2005) Deconstructing the City of Culture: the long term cultural legacies of Glasgow Urban Studies, Vol. 42 (5), pp
Discussion Topic Critically debate the notion of lifestyle and how this can be differentiated from other ‘forms’ of identity. Discuss how the concept of lifestyle relates to other understandings of identity such as subculture and neo-tribalism in a postmodern world. Critically discuss the means by which the body can be used as a communicative tool drawing upon examples from the entertainment and events industries.