By: Tessa, Sarah, Vicky, Leandra
The first actinide that was discovered was Uranium by Klaproth in 1789 Element numbers make up the group of actinides Known as Rare earth metals On the periodic table they are located under the lanthanides Most are synthetically made by particle accelerators meaning they are man made. ABOUT ACTINIDES
They do not have stable isotopes, and they are all radioactive All are unstable and reactive due to atomic number above 83 (nuclear stability). They all have a silvery or silvery-white appearance and are metals. All have the ability to form stable complexes with chloride, sulfate, carbonate and acetate. They have the ability to undergo nuclear reactions. radioactivity, toxicity, pyrophoricity, and nuclear criticality are properties that make them dangerous to handle. PROPERTIES
They tarnish readily in air They are very dense metals Combine directly with most nonmetals The interaction of Actinides when radioactive with different types of phosphors will produce pulses of light. PROPERTIES CONTINUED
Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium EXAMPLES OF ACTINIDES
mistry/f-Block_Elements/The_Actinides tinides.php BIBLIOGRAPHY