Strengthening Regional Security and Safety through International Partnerships By the Honourable Anthony Albanese, Australian Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government
Working in partnership with regional economies Looking beyond our national borders Safety and security frameworks with an international perspective Inquiry into Maritime Piracy and Armed Robbery at Sea MANILA, PHILIPPINES th APEC Transportation Ministerial Meeting
A growing international problem Malacca Straits Security Joint Working Group Significant reduction in attacks MANILA, PHILIPPINES th APEC Transportation Ministerial Meeting Inquiry into Maritime Piracy and Armed Robbery at Sea
MANILA, PHILIPPINES th APEC Transportation Ministerial Meeting Inspector of Transport Security undertaking the comprehensive inquiry The latest step by the Australian Government to address the problem of piracy and armed robbery at sea 99% of our exports transported by sea Inquiry into Maritime Piracy and Armed Robbery at Sea
MANILA, PHILIPPINES th APEC Transportation Ministerial Meeting Liaise with the UN, IMO and other maritime bodies Taking a regional approach and talking to our neighbours Benefiting from the wisdom & experience of others Inquiry into Maritime Piracy and Armed Robbery at Sea
New MOU signed January 2008 – first MOU signed in 1995 Annex to the new MOU outlines the Indonesia Transport Safety Assistance Package Indonesia Transport Safety Assistance Package (ITSAP) MANILA, PHILIPPINES th APEC Transportation Ministerial Meeting
Indonesia Transport Safety Assistance Package (ITSAP) MANILA, PHILIPPINES th APEC Transportation Ministerial Meeting $24 million assistance package in its second year Improving capacity, systems and procedures across Indonesian aviation & maritime
Assist Indonesian agencies implement solutions reflecting local conditions Sharing & transfer of technical skills and expertise Indonesia Transport Safety Assistance Package (ITSAP) MANILA, PHILIPPINES th APEC Transportation Ministerial Meeting
Exchange of accident investigation officers Aircraft and aerodrome safety inspector mentoring Joint search and rescue exercises A good example of what can be achieved when economies work together Indonesia Transport Safety Assistance Package (ITSAP) MANILA, PHILIPPINES th APEC Transportation Ministerial Meeting
Through initiatives such as the piracy inquiry and the ITSAP program we can strengthen regional security and safety Both initiatives embody the APEC philosophy – to work with our regional partners for the betterment of the Asia Pacific region A final note MANILA, PHILIPPINES th APEC Transportation Ministerial Meeting