Meteorological and Hydrological Cooperation within APEC: “Today’s Challenges, Tomorrow’s Opportunities” Reduction of Vulnerability to Natural Disasters Dr. William H. Hooke, Senior Policy Fellow American Meteorological Society
Talk Outline the case for APEC emphasis on natural disaster reduction candidate meteorological/hydrological proposals related actions underway in the U.S.
Reduction of Vulnerability to Natural Disasters: the case for APEC emphasis
Natural disasters are: a public safety issue, but also an economic issue –not just property loss, but also –economic/business disruption, cross-cutting inherently regional/multinational
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) was established in 1989 in response to the growing interdependence among Asia-Pacific economies. Begun as an informal dialogue group, APEC has since become the primary regional vehicle for promoting open trade and practical economic cooperation. Its goal is to advance Asia-Pacific economic dynamism and sense of community. Today, APEC's 21 member economies had a combined Gross Domestic Product of over US$18 trillion in 1999 and percent of global trade.US$18 trillion 43.85
Infrastructure uniquely vital –to urban life and safety –to modern economic development –to APEC’s mission uniquely vulnerable
APEC working groups industrial science and technology human resources development regional energy cooperation marine resources conservation telecommunications transportation tourism fisheries...
Natural disasters currently receive little publicity, but trigger losses comparable to “the Asian Flu.” are regional, not simply national will only increase in number and cost unless APEC acts
APEC Industrial Science and Technology Working Group (ISTWG): PRIORITIES improved availability of information improved human resources development improved business climate contribution to sustainable development enhanced policy dialog and review facilitation of networks and partnership
Meteorological/hydrological agencies should take the lead From weather prediction to air pollution research, climate change related activities, ozone layer depletion studies and tropical storm forecasting, the World Meteorological Organization coordinates global scientific activity to allow increasingly prompt and accurate weather information and other services for public, private and commercial use, including international airline and shipping industries. WMO's activities contribute to the safety of life and property, the socio-economic development of nations and the protection of the environment.
Reduction of Vulnerability to Natural Disasters: candidate meteorological/hydrological proposals
candidate met/hydro proposals: build resilience to natural hazards Regional vulnerability assessments incentives for pre-event mitigation improved hazard detection/warnings build societal resilience create partnerships and put them to work measure progress learn from mistakes work cooperatively
candidate proposals build met/hydro services capacity Accelerate regional/multi-national investment in vital weather and climate monitoring and prediction infrastructure strengthen international commitments to free and open exchange of meteorological data augment weather and climate R&D improve meteorological education strengthen links to economic sectors
Reduction of Vulnerability to Natural Disasters: related actions underway in the U.S.
related actions underway in the U.S. (Bush transition documents) A National Priority: Building resilience to Natural Hazards A National Priority: Coping with Weather and Climate (both these documents stress international cooperation)