The Age of Jefferson The Jefferson Presidency Jefferson Attacked as an Infidel During the presidential campaign of 1800, the Federalists attacked Thomas Jefferson as an infidel, claiming that Jefferson's intoxication with the religious and political extremism of the French Revolution disqualified him from public office. In this cartoon, the eye of God has instigated the American eagle to snatch from Jefferson's hand the "Constitution & Independence" of the United States before he can cast it on an "Altar to Gallic Despotism," whose flames are being fed by the writings of Thomas Paine, Helvetius, Rousseau, and other freethinkers. The paper, "To Mazzei," dropping from Jefferson's right hand, was a 1796 letter that was interpreted by Jefferson's enemies as an indictment of the character of George Washington.
Revolution The New President’s Personality –walked to inauguration Public Education –Limited success
Revolution Cont’d Cultural Independence –Noah Webster – Washington Irving – Stories about American life in New World Religion –Skeptical Thinkers Thomas Paine Thomas Jefferson Ben Franklin
Revolution Cont’d Religion Cont’d –Second Great Awakening Improvements in Technology –Jefferson believed in agrarian society, but
Revolution Cont’d Improvements in Technology Cont’d –Cotton Gin
Marbury vs. Madison 1803 Reducing Federal Powers –Jefferson moved to repeal the Judiciary Act of 1801 / “midnight appointments” Marbury was a midnight appointment who never got his letter and Madison, refused to send it
Marbury vs. Madison 1803 Cont’d John Marshall was chief Justice establishes president that Supreme Court can overturn an act of Congress
Louisiana Purchase Napoleon Eyes America –French land was lost east of the Mississippi in 1763
Louisiana Purchase Cont’d External Factors –Tousssaint L’Ouverture
Thomas Jefferson's plan in 1805 to build on the Louisiana Purchase by buying West Florida from Spain is lampooned in this cartoon. Induced by the sting of the hornet Napoleon, Jefferson vomits gold coins before a dancing Spanish representative holding maps of East and West Florida and carrying French Minister Charles- Maurice de Talleyrand's instructions in his pocket. West Florida was captured by the United States during the War of 1812, and East Florida was acquired by treaty in 1819 during James Monroe's administration Fake Smile
Louisiana Purchase Cont’d Sold! –$15 million Pleased and Embarrassed *Fake Smile*
Burr Conspiracy Changing party –Burr almost cost Jefferson the Presidency in 1800 –Burr looses election, blames Hamilton
Burr Conspiracy Cont’d Burr challenges Hamilton to a duel Hamilton is mortally wounded and dies the next day
Burr Conspiracy Cont’d Trial –Jefferson manages the gov’ts case from Washington Symbolic –weak national gov’t in a growing empire
Caught up in it Neutral rights –Napoleonic Wars between England and France Impressment –British navy –Chesapeake-Leopard incident
Caught up in it Cont’d Embargo –Jefferson-authored legislation passed by Congress Trade Chess –Madison puts pressure on Britain and France to repeal laws by offering to assist the other if neither relent
The Age of Jefferson War of 1812
General Henry Harrison committed advocate of Western expansion
General Henry Harrison Cont’d Plan did not seem kind to Natives
Britain had long been allies with Native tribes fur trade
Tecumseh and the Prophet (Tenskwatawa) The Prophet Tenskwatawa
Tecumseh and the Prophet (Tenskawatawa) Cont’d Tecumseh
Fever against Europe and Neighbors From Spain American Encroachment
Fever against Europe and Neighbors Cont’d Rise of War Hawks
War Napoleon Early Battles w. Tribes
War Cont’d Great Lakes successes Creek Indians
War Cont’d Andrew Jackson Battle of Horseshoe Bend *Fake Smile*
War Cont’d British Invasion –Central Coast after surrender of Napoleon in 1814, England prepared to invade USA
War Cont’d British Invasion Cont’d North South
The End of the Federalists Anger towards early battle failures Hartford, Connecticut The “death blow”
The Peace Settlement Ghent, Belgium English and United States
The Peace Settlement Cont’d Native Americans and The United States