Historical Fiction book report Using a 4-Square organizer
Overview of HF project Select a book you can read within two weeks Take 4-Square or RRJ notes as you read Take AR test on book after reviewing notes Write rough draft of book report by: – Using 4-Square or RRJ organizer – list one Historical Element as your topic per RRJ page and have at least 3 details from the book to support your topic. – Rough Draft is double spaced and written in class. – Edit/revise, then write final draft. Rewrite single spaced final draft at home. Add and new paragraphs daily to final draft page.
a simple process … read and take notes daily Set up your 4-Square organizer or pages in your RRJ before reading, then add notes to the category the information fits. With 4-Square or RRJ entries: – Date your entry – Record book page number where information came from – Write information using brief phrases or words or quotations
Reading your book Read and take notes daily Take AR test when book is finished Reflect on accuracy of your notes before writing your rough draft Write and edit your rough draft during class time – double spaced Write final draft at home, single spaced, daily add paragraphs to this page, and turn in daily
Organizer elements The following topics are either listed in a 4- Square or in your RRJ (1 page per topic): – Story setting – Major events building up to character’s conflict – Character’s conflict (problem to over come) – Book written in 1 st or 3 rd person – quoted evidence – Evidence of how story was written, eg., letters, diary, reports, illustrations, etc. – Book’s conclusion – Your newly written/revised conclusion
Teacher’s example – “Organizer” Introduction notes Book: Rescue From an Avalanche HF Elements: – Time period facts – Pretend characters – Setting – Major character’s conflict – 1 st or 3 rd person evidence – How story was written – Story conclusion – New (my) conclusion Setting notes
organizer continued Major events leading to character’s conflict Character’s conflict
organizer continued Written in 1 st or 3 rd person evidence Evidence with how story was written
organizer - continued Book’s conclusion My conclusion
Conclusion Now that I have carefully written one paragraph with three details for each Historical Fiction element, it is time to write a new conclusion, my conclusion. I get to become the author. As you can see, the ending still turned out the same, Hannah and her family were rescued, but the rescue happened differently. Enjoy your new ending.