Columbus-based Strategic Research Group (SRG) is offering a Parent Engagement Survey to schools across Ohio. Open to all school buildings and districts in Ohio. Survey is primarily web-based, with an additional option for paper surveys. Participating schools will receive a detailed report, providing their results and comparisons to other similar schools. Overview
Benefits of a Parent Engagement Survey Parent engagement has been shown to be correlated with positive outcomes in schools. Parental involvement or engagement efforts are a requirement of a growing number of funding sources and/or education agencies, including: Title I Race to the Top Ohio Improvement Process Engaging parents is the right thing to do! 3
What is the Parent Engagement Survey? Based on previously scaled and normed 27 item Likert-response survey. Items are summarized into six factors, derived from Joyce Epstein’s nationally-recognized work on key family involvement strategies. Up to 5 custom questions can be added by schools to tailor to their particular concerns. Includes 3 open-ended questions for parents to offer more detailed comments. Collects demographic information including age, gender, race/ethnicity, and education of parents and the grade level of child/children.
The Survey Report Comparative analyses (by item and factor) provided comparing your school to similar schools (elementary, middle/junior high, high). Results indicate areas where your school’s results vary notably (either in a positive or negative fashion) from similar schools. All verbatim comments from parents are included. Reflective questions for learning and improvement are provided. 5
Factors Measured by the Parent Engagement Survey 6
School Reports The report is organized by these topics: Background Overall school ratings and comparisons Ratings for six parent and family engagement factors Ratings for custom questions General recommendations/questions for reflection Respondent demographics Parent write-in responses
Sample Comparison of Results 8
Sample Factor Reporting 9
Sample Questions for Reflection The following are questions that will help your school team reflect on parents’ and families’ perceptions of your school’s family involvement efforts. How does your school compare, overall, to like schools? Is there a notable difference (.25 or more), positive or negative, in your school’s overall score compared to like schools? What influences could contribute to these differences? For which distinct factors are there notable differences (.25 or more), positive or negative, between your school’s scores and all similar schools?
What if I need help? SRG can provide schools with technical assistance: Tips on marketing the survey to parents Sample communications to use in contacting parents Regular updates on response rates to identify whether additional efforts need to be made Assistance in developing customized questions 11
When do we start? Preparation phase: March/April Parents complete surveys: April/May Report prepared and sent to schools May/June Surveys can also be scheduled now for the academic year. Schools can choose a survey time best for them.
What will it cost? Flat rate per school building for web-only version. Reduced rates for multiple participating schools in your district. Paper surveys can be added; additional cost is based on the number of completed, returned surveys. 13
Where do I get more information or sign up? or call: Dr. Tina Kassebaum or Dr. Kristen Heimdal