Global Marketing
Definitions International Trade -- movement of goods and services across country borders Multinational Company -- Firm that is produces goods and services in one country and sells them in other countries International Marketing -- performance of marketing functions that facilitate exchange across national borders Considers the needs and wants of international customers
Global Marketing AT&T – a multi-national that engages in international marketing
Global Marketing Importance of Environmental Analysis in Global Marketing (Note that it is likely different than the US) Economic Environment Economic Strength GNP DPI Economic Development Political-Legal Environment Differences exits Bribery is illegal in US, but is expected in Mexico Stability is the key
Global Marketing The Fifteen Nations of the European Union
Global Marketing Socio-Cultural Environment Cultural Differences (walking and meeting people is common in European cities – MacDonald’s has “walk-up” windows, sells beer) Competitive Environment Legality of various competitive structures (OPEC is an oligopoly that openly colludes about pricing decisions – this is illegal in the US) Technological Environment Existing Conditions v Potential (Currently Africa is the least “wired” continent – will it be in the future?) International research is essential
Global Marketing Harris Black is the leading “international” marketing research firm Firms like this are critical to the success of an international marketer
Global Marketing Need to find out about the technological environment in a different country? Check out the World Fact Book a US Government web site that provides such information
Global Marketing Recognizing the Cultural Variations of the Market It Serves, Coca-Cola’s Web Site in Belgium Gives Visitors the Choice of Three Cultural/Language Variations: Dutch, French or English.
Global Marketing Decisions Orientation Ethnocentric Polycentric Regiocentric Geocentric
Global Marketing Decisions (cont’d) Globalization Approaches Local (Domestic) Marketing Exporting Multinational Marketing Regional Marketing Global Marketing
Global Markets The world is one market Recognize cultural differences
Global Marketing Decisions (cont’d) Globalization Approaches Trade Importing Exporting Licensing Franchising Contractual Agreements Joint Ventures Direct Ownerships
Global Marketing Franchising: A Global Strategy for Ruth’s Chris Steak House – a type of “joint venture”
Global Marketing Conquering the European Air Travel Market through Joint Ventures
Global Marketing Coke’s globalization strategy