The Shift to Enterprise Wide Computing: Technologies of Supply Chain Management and Sales Force Automation Professor Kleist BADM 334 January 22, 2001 Talk based in part or entirely from material in PricewaterhouseCoopers 1999 Technology Forecast
Based in part or entirely on class text: PWC 1999 Technology Forecast ERP: SUPPORTS STRATEGIC USE OF IT zERP= enterprise resource planning. zERP products allow for better coordination of the entire logistics, production and distribution channels of the value chain. z ERP allows the acquiring of raw materials, scheduling, and shipping of product to customers on time. ERP helps with supply chain and sales force automation.
Based in part or entirely on class text: PWC 1999 Technology Forecast Major ERP Vendors: zSAP zPeoplesoft zOracle zBaan zJ. D. Edwards
Based in part or entirely on class text: PWC 1999 Technology Forecast Trends in ERP Products zTargeting midsize companies with less expensive products zAdding new functionality to the product line zSCM Products: linking company’s manufacturing and distribution, planning and scheduling, order mgt., warehouse mgt., transportation mgt., customer service zInternet usage for all linkages
Based in part or entirely on class text: PWC 1999 Technology Forecast Sales Force Automation zSFA links the back office operations to the front office zProvides multiple functions zTracks sales prospects, contact management, product development, help for users, pricing schemes in the field, forecast sales, connect to inventory, delivery databases
Based in part or entirely on class text: PWC 1999 Technology Forecast Data Warehouses and Data Trends zERP products help provide the ability to better collect and analyze data zERP products allow the firm to link processes to other vendor’s databases (sometimes called middleware) zNew data capabilities with OLTP (on line transactions processing) zMovement to data warehouses zUse of datamining
Based in part or entirely on class text: PWC 1999 Technology Forecast Trends with ERP Vendors zNew products using ecommerce formats zUse of middle markets zUse of implementation outsourcing (PWC) zAccelerated, easier implementations zLess expensive products for middle size firms z“Componentized” products zMergers, acquisitions and alliances zRental instead of purchase of software
Based in part or entirely on class text: PWC 1999 Technology Forecast Call Center Technologies zHistorically, call centers have been voice oriented zNew breed linking call centers to databases zTrend to integrate voice and data over the web technologies zTrying to build technologies which use many channels to reach customer: voice, web, , etc.