{ Leader Remix By Andrew Dower
Throughout the semester my definition of a remix has changed multiple times but after doing three Inquiry’s my new definition is… To take multiple sources and combine them including pictures, video, music and writing to create a brand new product of your own. Definition
Ko Ko KoRemix
First I started out with Martin Luther King Speaking because for my theme this class I was using him throughout all my papers and I wanted to continue with it. This is why I started out strong by using him in the beginning and motivational quote by him Throughout the videos I wanted to get my points across so it was very strait forward The next clip was President Obama inauguration to show that we cant always rely on people like the government to give us more and more each election The pictures of Gandhi and Rosa Parks I though out were good people to show they achieved what they fought for Used the clip in Rocky to show that anyone can achieve what they want you just need to keep working The next clip of Brave heart was to show that leaders are all over and that was just a powerful speech Last video was a way to show that we need more leaders in this country besides the men who already serve in this country so when they come back home we can have a better place for them. About the Remix
The Message I wanted everyone to get out of this motivational remix was to show that we are becoming more satisfied with what is going on around us and who is going to be the next person to give us something. Everyone has the capability of becoming a leader just like Martin Luther King was and we can make our country a better place Message
I think this video is a little late on when it would best be served since president Obama’s inauguration was a little bit ago, but as for the overall message it is getting more and more relevant each day on how we rely on other people more and more. Kairotic moment
I realized real quick that Dell computers were not the best computer for this project so I went to the computer lab with a bunch of Apple computers Next challenge consisted of getting popcorn maker to work As you can tell from the people that used popcorn maker its very difficult to work with Last since Popcorn maker was not the best it was hard to make the Remix flow Overall video editing for me is difficult Challenges