Budget Project Economics Ms. Lyons
John Jay College of Criminal Justice Undergraduate Tuition and Fees Schedule New York State Residents Full-time Matriculated Students $2,715 per semester (12 – 18 credits) One year: $5,430
TO FIND THE SALARY OF YOUR FUTURE JOB… Go to this website: REMEMBER to put in “New York, NY” or wherever you plan to live * This site also tells you what type of education most people with your job had.
Jobs – Salaries IT (information technology) computer programmer average salary: 75,0000
Sports analyst Salary: $77,000
Navy Salary: $18,500
Welder Salary: $40,000
Apartment See choices … – REMEMBER TO THINK ABOUT: Size? Location? Live alone or with roommates?
TV, Internet Optimum Tripe play (phone, internet, tv): $89.95/month
Cell Phone How much does your cell phone cost per month?
Utilities Most utility bills are electricity & gas Approximately $80 for a one bedroom
Food (Groceries/Eating Out) Deli: $5/meal Kennedy Fried Chicken: $6/meal Chinese Food: $10/meal
Transportation Car: Car insurance $150/month Gas: $65/week Metrocard: $104
Insurance Empire: $195/paycheck – You pay $10 of medicine costs & Dr.’s visits GHI: FREE $0/paycheck – You pay 20% of medicine bill – you must go to their “network” Drs. to get all benefits of insurance
Student Loans? Direct Subsidized Loans for Undergrads – Interest = 6.80% TO CALCULATE TOTAL: * Multiply total tuition & fees (from education section) by 6.80%. Then add that number (total interest) to total tuition & fees.
Fun Stuff WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO FOR FUN? How much will that cost?
Taxes Remember the powerpoint from yesterday? Depending on where you live… – Federal tax – State tax – Social security – Medicare – City tax – Property tax
Union Dues APPROXIMATELY $50 (cost for Teachers Union)