Top Ten Issues to Watch in 2016 #5 Mind the Gaps: Equity & Outcomes in Education Presented by: Tomeka Hart
Southern Education Foundation the Peabody, Slater, and Jeanes Fund are created to: Establish public education in the South for Black & poor White students Support most of the South’s Black colleges Enhance number of qualified teachers Improve curriculum & instruction in Southern schools 1937 all three funds merge to become the Southern Education Foundation, located in Washington, DC because no Southern state would allow it to have integrated staff 1947 SEF moves its headquarters to Atlanta, GA
Southern Education Foundation Mission: to advance equity and excellence in education for all students in the South, particularly low-income students and students of color
History of Education in the American South The South has always had a disproportionately large number of low-income children and gaps in educational access Years after the Civil War, the South had few schools for children to attend Public schools in the early 20 th century—gaps in funding/resources based on income and race
History of Education in the American South Late 1970s & 1980s see growth of students in poverty nationally (concentrated growth in the South) Since 2005, poor students have made up the majority of public school enrollment in the South (as of 2013—51% US)
Mind the Gaps: Equity & Outcomes in Education Wealth gap the wealth gap between Whites and Blacks increased 13 fold; 10 fold between Whites and Hispanics Average net worth White households = $141,000 Black households = $11,000 Hispanic households = $13,700
Mind the Gaps: Equity & Outcomes in Education Opportunity gap—lack of social mobility Why? High concentrations of minority populations Geographic concentrations of poverty Low educational quality of schools Metro-Atlanta area ranked 49 th out of the country’s largest commuting areas for low social mobility of its poor residents
Mind the Gaps: Equity & Outcomes in Education Disparities in the educational outcomes of students based on race and income Children from low-income families are twice as likely to drop out of school than children from higher income families Gaps in college attainment (access and completion): low- income students college enrollment is less than 50%; compared to 80% enrollment of higher income students
Mind the Gaps: Equity & Outcomes in Education Educational Equity Components (US DOE) Student access to various educational programs (college & career ready; AP; SAT/ACT tests; gifted/honors programs; athletics, etc.) Teacher and resource equity (experience; salary; access to counselors; other supports) School climate (exclusion/suspension; discipline; law enforcement/juvenile justice system contact; bullying; etc.)
Mind the Gaps: Equity & Outcomes in Education Significance for Georgia Today 60% of GA’s public school students are low-income—only 5 other states have a percentage higher than GA (2013 data) Low-income and Hispanic students are the fastest growing populations in GA Graduation rates State: 78.8% Low-income: 74.5% Middle/High-income:80.7% White:82.8% Black:75.2% Hispanic:72.0%
Mind the Gaps: Equity & Outcomes in Education GA Equity Summary Higher percentage of inexperienced teachers in high minority and high poverty schools; teachers are more likely to be teaching out-of-field in these schools; teacher and principal high turnover Majority of high poverty schools are in rural communities High poverty-high minority schools are concentrated in the Metro-Atlanta area and southwest GA regions
Mind the Gaps: Equity & Outcomes in Education GA Equity Plan of Action Recruitment and teacher preparation (increase rigor and quality) Teacher and principal effectiveness Retention and professional growth Factors that impact the learning and working environment (climate)
Mind the Gaps: Equity & Outcomes in Education Recommendations Comprehensive shared vision of schools & collaborative action Enhanced leadership programs w/ key equity components Incentivize teachers to remain in most challenged schools Equitable funding and distribution of resources