Woody Woodruff Method University of Missouri –a chart !!! –a “checkbook” method –uses historic water use data –originally for corn on claypan soils took.


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Presentation transcript:

Woody Woodruff Method University of Missouri –a chart !!! –a “checkbook” method –uses historic water use data –originally for corn on claypan soils took into account the need to dry soil out at end of season –others have modified it University of Nebraska Gregory et al. (Ag Engineering) have computer program Commercial Ag Program will regionalize the charts

Soybean Water Use Planted: May 22 Length: 120 days Cairo, IL historic weather Total water: 18.8 inches

0.8 in rain

0.4 in rain

0.8 in rain 0.4 in rain 2.0 in rain

0.8 in rain 0.4 in rain 2.0 in rain 0.6 in rain

0.8 in rain 0.4 in rain 2.0 in rain 0.6 in rain 1.5 in irrigation We never want to cross below the bottom line as it represents drought conditions for our crop and thus yield loss. Therefore, a 1.5” irrigation takes place on June 10.

0.8 in rain 0.4 in rain 2.0 in rain 0.6 in rain 1.5 in irrigation 6/16 Next irrigation date

0.8 in rain 0.4 in rain 2.0 in rain 0.6 in rain 1.5 in irrigation Continue using the same strategy through the season. Don’t bother plotting rainfall amounts less then 0.25 inches, since most of it evaporates before getting into the ground. Plan last irrigations based on conditions in your field & rain- fall forecasts. 1.5 in irrigation 0.4 in rain 2.0 in rain 0.4 in rain

Bootheel Irrigation Survey, 2000

Reinbott, Columbia, MO 2001

Information needed to make your own Woodruff Irrigation Chart Information on crop –corn: Relative Maturity (RM) –soybean: Maturity Group –cotton: no special information Emergence date Soil type County in Missouri where crop is