Agency Update U.S. Forest Service Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest
Greater Sage Grouse Mechanical Treatment Successes
3 years/ 10,000 acres treated Treat encroaching juniper and pinyon Data show birds moving into treated areas Improved condition of brush and forbs Sites getting use from deer, antelope and elk
Key Partners Forest Service BLM NDF NDOW Mule Deer Foundation
Key Partners White Pine-Nye County Resource Advisory Committee Eastern Nevada Landscape Coalition Great Basin Institute Contract crews from across the West Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
Bi-State Sage Grouse Wildfire Successes
Washington Fire 17,790 Acres 9,000 acres of Population Management Unit (PMU) -- Unoccupied Fire – Risk/Benefit Fire carried through trees- removing canopy cover Ground fire mostly low to moderate severity No nest/lek sites affected Summer rain aided regeneration of native species Monitoring site for invasive species
Cohesive Strategy Nevada falls under the National Strategy All are DRAFTs Safe and Effective Wildland Fire Response Fire Adapted Communities Resilient Landscapes
Safe and Effective Wildland Fire Response Create interagency dispatch liaison/coordinator Create common working principles across all centers Improve interagency run cards Lead technological advances
Safe and Effective Wildland Fire Response Develop/standup a radio infrastructure group/committee Cross train across agencies Look at technology options for increased efficiency Examine Continuity of Ops for improvements
Safe and Effective Wildland Fire Response Create statewide Wildfire reporting number Complement current center specific numbers Replace existing number on prevention signs and media
Fire Adapted Communities Partner with community organizations Broaden community involvement
Resilient Landscapes Form a state-wide representative body to implement the Cohesive Strategy Make land treatment applications easier by enhancing cooperation and collaboration between all agencies and stakeholders Monitor tightening of federal smoke regulations Promote education/communication
Resilient Landscapes Inter-stakeholder Collaborative Partnership Collect and manage fuel treatment funds Focus on inclusivity, efficiency, resource sharing Interagency prioritization of projects
Resilient Landscapes Coordinating and sharing project information with partners Shared monitoring vegetation treatments within the affected ecosystem Coordinate and standardize project implementation and monitoring methods where possible Store data so it is available to all
Resilient Landscapes Create a database to store and display fire history, vegetation and fuels projects spatially Foster greater integration and collaborative planning