L IFE O F A B UTTERFLY By: Rebecca Ragsdale
C OURSE O BJECTIVES After this lesson, children should be able to: Properly identify the stages of the life cycle Eggs Caterpillar Chrysalis Butterfly Know what happens in each stage TEKS Objectives (From §112.A. ): (9) Organisms and environments. The student knows that the living environment is composed of relationships between organisms and the life cycles that occur. (10) (A) investigate how the external characteristics of an animal are related to where it lives, how it moves, and what it eats; (B) identify and compare the parts of plants; (D) observe and record life cycles of animals such as a chicken, frog, or fish.
C LASS D ISCUSSION Ask if any students know where butterflies come from Allow students to share if they have ever seen a cocoon, or even a caterpillar transform into a butterfly Go over each step of the life cycle starting from the eggs to the butterfly.
C LASS A CTIVITY Students will pair up into 4 groups Each one a part of the life cycle- Egg, Caterpillar, Chrysalis, and Butterfly Each group will get together and draw their part of the life cycle. Then they will make main points of what happens in their cycle Finally, the groups will present in front of the class
C LASS A CTIVITY We will have an in-class habitat containing 4 caterpillars. Everyday students will take notes in their journal and note any changes they see in the caterpillars’ behavior. Eventually the caterpillars will make their cocoons. Students will keep track of the number of days it takes before they turn into butterflies.
R EFERENCES h112a.pdf