Nuclear Radiation Applications
Penetrating Power
Radiation Exposure Roentgen (R) unit used to measure nuclear radiation exposure Roentgen Equivalent, Man REM – unit used to measure dose of radiation relative to effects on human tissue
Radon-222 Radon is a cancer- causing radioactive gas Comes from the ground Single atom gas which can easily penetrate many common materials in homes.
Harmful Radiation is IONIZING
Types of EM
Detecting Radiation Photographic Plates (Film Badges) Becquerel discovered radioactivity Geiger Counter Ionizing Radiation – radiation energetic enough to ionize matter. Scintillation Counters Convert scintillating light elecctric signal
Applications of Radioactivity Radioactive Dating Organic: C-14 Living organisms incorporate C-14 & C-12 C-14 decays with known half-life Compare amounts of C-14 and C-12 Inorganic: U-238 U-238 decays to stable Pb-206 Ratios of U-238 : Pb-206 to date rocks
Applications of Radioactivity Chemical Tracers Fertilizers: P-31 Uptake of P-31 in plants help determine the amounts and timing of fertilizing Ground Water: O-18 Biological Tracers C-14 used to follow metabolic pathways
Applications of Radioactivity Medical Treatments Radiotracers – radioisotope that emits non-ionizing radiation; signals presence of an element. Thyroid: I-131 Brain Tumors: Tc-99 Cancer: Co-60 Food Preservation Intense beams of Gamma Radiation kill bacteria. Sources: Co-60 and Cs-137