The Mountain of the House of the Lord (Isaiah 2)
“In the last days…”
The expression the latter days “never refers to the course of history immediately following the time being, but invariably indicates the furthest point in the history of this life – the point which lies on the outermost limits of the speaker’s horizon.” – Delitzsch
“In the last days…” Daniel 2:26-45
“In the last days…” Daniel 2: Timothy 3:1ff; 2 Peter 3:3ff
“In the last days…” Daniel 2: Timothy 3:1ff; 2 Peter 3:3ff Hebrews 1:1-2
God, after He spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many ways, in these last days has spoken to us in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the world.
“In the last days…” Daniel 2: Timothy 3:1ff; 2 Peter 3:3ff Hebrews 1:1-2 Acts 2:17ff --> Joel 2:28-32
“In the last days…” “Therefore, the latter days spoken of by Isaiah are to be understood as that period in which God would make known His law through Jesus Christ and send it forth from Jerusalem and from Zion. Isaiah was speaking of that which began on Pentecost and continues now. We are living in ‘the last times’; these are the latter days.” – Homer Hailey
“Mt. of the house of the Lord…”
Mountains signify government/kingdoms
“Mt. of the house of the Lord…” Mountains signify government/kingdoms Daniel 2
“Mt. of the house of the Lord…” Mountains signify government/kingdoms Daniel 2 Jeremiah 51:24-26
“But I will repay Babylon and all the inhabitants of Chaldea for all their evil that they have done in Zion before your eyes,” declares the Lord. “Behold, I am against you, O destroying mountain, who destroys the whole earth,” declares the LORD, “and I will stretch out My hand against you, and roll you down from the crags, and I will make you a burnt out mountain. They will not take from you even a stone for a corner nor a stone for foundations, but you will be desolate forever,” declares the Lord.
“Mt. of the house of the Lord…” Mountains signify government/kingdoms Daniel 2 Jeremiah 51:24-26 Zechariah 8:1-8
“Mt. of the house of the Lord…” Mountains signify government/kingdoms Daniel 2 Jeremiah 51:24-26 Zechariah 8:1-8 A shift from physical to spiritual – Hebrews 12:18-24, 28
The Nature of the Mountain
All nations stream to it
The Nature of the Mountain All nations stream to it Made of those who seek God’s law & walk in it
The Nature of the Mountain All nations stream to it Made of those who seek God’s law & walk in it God’s word is the standard of judgment
The Nature of the Mountain All nations stream to it Made of those who seek God’s law & walk in it God’s word is the standard of judgment Ruled & maintained by peace