Numeracy and Mathematics at Springfield Primary School and Bonnytoun Nursery Workshop for Parents and Carers
Holding Numbers Remember these 3 numbers… you will need these later
School Improvement Plan To embed a consistent approach to the teaching of active maths ensuring a clear progression of skills
What have we done? Consulted with parents at Meet the Teacher 36 requests for numeracy out of 41 responses Numeracy working group – task brief – meeting the needs of our learners Consulted with Numeracy Development Officers Liaised with Linlithgow Academy Training provided for Pupil Support Workers/ new staff Working together to raise attainment
Confidence To face the challenges of the 21 st century, each young person needs to have confidence in using mathematical skills
Maths and lifelong learning Maths for the real world What do you want to be when you grow up? What are the numeracy skills you need for that job? What are the numeracy skills you need for real life?
Numbers in real life Think of the amount of numbers we see on a daily basis Can you think of the number you have seen today?
Football match Planning a holiday Supermarket shopping Mobile phone tariffs Sales Pocket money Bills Time
How do we teach maths? Where are our learners at? Use a range of resources and active teaching approaches Assessing learners – informing next steps Scottish Mathematical Challenge Applying numeracy skills across other areas of the curriculum Revisiting concepts SEAL
What is Big Maths? It is a daily programme of mental maths with a strong emphasis on learned facts and developing the mental agility to do something with these facts. Counting Learn Its It’s Nothing New Calculations
Big Maths Big Maths has 2 areas. 1. CORE Numeracy also known as CLIC 2. OUTER numeracy Maths Breadth- e.g. probability, measurements Number challenges- Problem Solving Real Life Maths- Word Problems Multi Methods- Different ways to solve one calculation – focus on efficiency.
Counting Counting forwards Counting backwards Vary the starting number Make this harder – count in 2s, 5s, 3s, 0.2s, negative numbers Try this at home
Learn Its- instant recall A TAUGHT fact known as well as their name. A SHORTCUT to COUNTING Adding/Subtracting Involving 3 pieces of information 6+7=13 Has a SWITCHER 7+6=13 Has a FACT FAMILY 13-7=6 13-6=7 Multiplication/Division involving 3 pieces of information 5 x 9=45 Has a SWITCHER 9 x 5= 45 Has a FACT FAMILY 45÷9=5 45÷5=9
What is the fact family? 6+4=
6+4=10 4+6= =6 10-6=4
Jigsaw numbers are just number bonds. They total a special number in our number system, e.g. 10, 100 or Jigsaw Numbers It’s Nothing New
Calculations Does being able to calculate mentally matter? The answer is 9 – what is the question?
Beat That! Time for a test….
Remember those 3 numbers? What was the biggest number?What was the smallest number?How many were odd numbers?How many were even numbers?
What Can I Do to Help My Child? Talking to your child about their experiences e.g. a trip to the shops – how many numbers? Fun maths tasks e.g. Dividing chocolate barsHelp with recipes/ t.v. guides/ newspapers/ magazinesHave fun with numbers (websites are listed on parent leaflet)Number puzzles e.g. Sudoku
Thank you Pupils, parents, teachers, PSWs, Linlithgow Academy, NDO’s Sharing our strategies – visits to classrooms – back at 3pm Questions/ Evaluations