Broomfields Junior School Purpose of this evening: Update on national changes in assessment arrangements Outline school response to changes Explain school arrangements for SATs Question and Answers
Broomfields Junior School A new national curriculum was introduced in As a result, the Standards and Testing Agency (STA) is changing the tests so that they assess the new curriculum. Pupils will take the new tests for the first time in May 2016.
Broomfields Junior School DfE Position Statement As part of the national curriculum review, levels have been abolished. This is, in part, in response to concerns about the validity and reliability of levels and sub-levels. These concerns had an impact on pupils’ learning, but also on the relationships between primary and secondary schools and the trust in their assessments. Levels have also been recognised as the driver of undue pace through the curriculum, which has led to gaps in pupils’ knowledge.
Broomfields Junior School Our response to the changes… We are changing the way the tests are reported. From 2016, we will use scaled scores to report national curriculum test outcomes. We won’t need to change the way we prepare for, or administer, the tests because of the introduction of scaled scores. We will continue to use past papers for revision. We will continue to assess what pupils understand and can do in a way that best suits our school. We will report the pupil’s scaled score and whether or not your child met the national standard in our annual report to Parents.
Broomfields Junior School Current DfE Guidance Scaled scores are used all over the world. They help test results to be reported consistently from one year to the next. We can’t give full information about what the scale will look like yet. We need to wait until pupils have taken the tests and the tests have been marked before we can set the national standard and the rest of the scale.
Broomfields Junior School Current DfE Guidance We can’t set the scale in advance; this cohort is the first that has reached the end of key stage 2 having studied sufficient content from the new national curriculum. If we were to set the scale using data from pupils that had studied the old national curriculum, it is likely it would be incorrect. We do know the scale will have a lower end point below 100 and an upper end point above 100. Once we have set the national standard we will use a statistical technique called ‘scaling’ to transform the raw score into a scaled score. We will publish this after the first tests have been administered. 100 will always represent the ‘national standard’
Broomfields Junior School A pupil’s scaled score will be based on their raw score. The raw score is the total number of marks a pupil receives in a test, based on the number of questions they answered correctly. The pupil’s raw score will be translated into a scaled score using a conversion table. A pupil who achieves the national standard will have demonstrated sufficient knowledge in the areas assessed by the tests. This will mean that they are well placed to succeed in the next phase of their education.
Broomfields Junior School The old national curriculum levels are not relevant to the new national curriculum. However, in order to provide schools with some indication of the new standards, we have tried to indicate equivalence in a broad sense. At KS2 this will roughly equate to an old level 4b. Otherwise levels and scaled scores will not be comparable.
Broomfields Junior School Reassurance! Other than the scaling score and the change from a mental maths paper to an arithmetic one, the style of the tests don’t appear to have changed. We will continue to prepare and administer in the same way as previous years according to DfE guidance. We will be continuing to focus on quality teaching and learning, not how the outcome of the tests will be reported at this stage as this could give us unreliable data.
Broomfields Junior School Monday 9 th May Tuesday 10th May Wednesday 11 th May Thursday 12 th May ENGLISH READING TEST 60 Minutes (Includes reading time) ENGLISH GRAMMAR, PUNCTUATION AND SPELLING TEST Component 1: Grammar, punctuation and vocab 45minutes Component 2: Spelling 15 minutes MATHEMATICS PAPER 1 ARITHMETIC 30 Minutes MATHEMATICS PAPER 3 REASONING 40 Minutes MATHEMATICS PAPER 2 REASONING 40 Minutes
Broomfields Junior School READING ComponentDescriptionNumber of Papers Number of marks Timing of component Paper 1 English reading test Reading booklet and separate answer booklet A selection of texts (1500 – 2300 words) minutes (including reading time) Total15060 minutes
Broomfields Junior School GRAMMAR, PUNCTUATION & SPELLING ComponentDescriptionNumber of Papers Number of marks Timing of component Paper 1 Questions Grammar, punctuation and vocabulary minutes Paper 2 Spelling Spelling (20 words) minutes Total27060 minutes
Broomfields Junior School MATHEMATICS ComponentDescriptionNumber of Papers Number of marks Timing of component Paper 1 arithmetic Assesses pupils’ confidence with the range of mathematical operations minutes Paper 2 and Paper3: Mathematical reasoning Mathematical fluency, solving mathematical problems and mathematical reasoning 270 overall 35 per paper 80 minutes 40 minutes per paper Total minutes
Accountability Reforms: school progress measure Progress is now a value-added measure, rather than ‘expected levels of progress’ measure. A pupil’s KS2 score is measured against the average KS2 score for pupils nationally having the same prior attainment. KS1 baseline is worked out by creating a combined score of all teacher assessment outcomes. A school’s progress score will be calculated as the mean average of its pupils’ progress scores, so it will show whether overall pupils make above or below average progress compared to similar pupils in other schools.
Progress measure how does it work? Stage 1: Chris’ results are KS1 APS = 18.0 KS2 reading score = 117 He got 1 point more than the average for those with similar starting points = +1 This is Chris All other pupils nationally with average score at KS1 of 18.0 All these pupils’ KS2 scores are added together and divided by the number of pupils in the group = average (national mean) reading score is 116 Back to Chris
Progress measure how does it work? Stage 2: Chris now brings his +1 progress score with him We put Chris back with his Y6 peers in his school We add all the Y6 progress scores together and divide by the number of pupils to give mean score = schools progress score – of, say, +1 So pupils in Chris’ school made slightly more progress than those with similar starting points in other schools Parents can now compare schools to see where pupils with similar starting points make more or less progress Govt will set the definition of sufficient progress once tests have been taken (e.g. a school should have a score of at least -3 below or above
Grammar, spelling & handwriting Correct spelling is required for the award of the mark for the majority of questions in Paper 2, especially in the following cases: Verb forms – the whole word must be correctly spelt for the award of the mark Contractions – the full contraction must be correctly spelt and the apostrophe correctly placed for the award of the mark Prefixes and suffixes – the whole word (i.e. the root and the prefix and / or suffix) must be correctly spelt for the award of the mark Plurals – the whole word must be correctly spelt in responses to questions assessing plurals for the award of the mark. The use of an apostrophe in the formation of a plural will prohibit the award of the mark, unless this is a legitimate use to indicate a possessive plural
Grammar, spelling & handwriting Handwriting – Current STA information suggests that children must be writing in a joined consistent style.
Broomfields Junior School RESULTS & OUTCOMES For the 2016 KS2 tests STA will publish test results on the NCA tools website on 5 July Each pupil registered for the tests will receive: a raw score (the number of raw marks awarded) a scaled score and confirmation of whether or not they attained the expected standard
Broomfields Junior School SUMMARY SATs take place: w/b 9 th May 2016 – we expect 100% attendance during the tests How can you help? Outstanding attendance and punctuality throughout the year Support at home with homework, reading, spellings, times tables Liaise with us if you have any issues/concerns at any point Reassure your child that we want them to do their best but there is also more to life at Broomfields Junior School and there is nothing to worry about! DfE video outlining the 2016 changes in KS 1 and KS2:
Broomfields Junior School Any questions?