Notice to Teachers Print this out to assist you with the lesson. This is an introduction chunking which is a strategy to add two or more two-digit numbers. It is a mental strategy but initially the students should write the numbers down. Slides 4 and 5 demonstrate the technique using markers. Click through the markers as you teach the concept. Slide 6 – 8 demonstrate the technique without markers. Slide 10 – 21 enable the students to short cut the written technique with the aim of making this a mental strategy. Slide 22 – 24 are speed exercises with a countdown in the bottom left hand corner. Speed and accuracy are the goals here. Good luck. Bob Brandis Not part of yet? Join and receive a free copy of 50 Ways to be a Better Relief Teacher as well as regular updates in
Chunking Mental Maths in Action
STOP WORK Exercises
STOP WORK Exercises
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