QUICK FACTS Occupation: General Birthdate: November 11, 1885 Death date: December 21, 1945 Education: U.S. military Academy at West point
WHAT HE’S KNOWN FOR. First officer to be assigned to Tank corps in WW1 Helped the allies to victory in the invasion of Sicily. Orchestrated the liberation of Germany from the Nazis
EARLY LIFE. Born in Gabriel, California As a young boy aspired to be a war hero. Enrolled in Virginia military institute in 1904 Graduated in 1909 Married Beatrice Ayer
MILITARY CAREER. 1915 led the cavalry patrols against Poncho Villa at Fort Bliss. 1916 he was selected to help John J. Pershing their commander. Patton shot the Mexican leader Julio Cardenas during the battle of Columbus. Promoted to Captain given by Pershing
During WW1 he was assigned to be the new U.S. tank corp during the battle of Cambrai. Maneuvered 350 tanks and took a bullet to the leg.
During WW11 he lead the 7 th U.S. army to victory at the invasion of Sicily. On D-Day Eisenhower granted Patton command of the 3 rd U.S army. Swept across France. “Keep on advancing whether we go over, under, or through the enemy.” Nicknamed “Old blood and guts” Wrote his wife “ When I’m not attacking, I get bilious.
1945, Patton crossed the straight into the heart of Germany. Acquiring 10,000 miles of enemy territory. Liberating Germany from the Nazi.
DEATH AND LEGACY. December 1945 Patton broke his neck in a car crash near Mannheim. He died in the hospital Heidelberg 12 days after. December 21, 1945 In 1947 his memoir War as I knew it was published. In 1970 historians explained his emotions to seemingly ruthless to surprisingly sentimental.
SOURCES "George Patton Biography." A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 27 Jan