By Regan Longhurst
Camp Kaitawa As I stood there at school thinking about all the jam packed adventures waiting… Caving, beautiful waterfalls, wonderful bush walks and a magnificent lake - all of this at Camp Kaitawa – I felt nervous (and excited because Dad was going with us.)
We were sitting in the hall. We heard a loud and girlish scream and it was…ZACK! He was in so much pain so he was rushed away to the doctors where they got the pain out of his finger by sticking a needle into his nail. He had slammed his finger in the door. So when we were sitting in the hall Mr Crawford told us who we were going in the car with. I went in the car with Jared, Glen Aaron, Josh, Connor, Joel, Hamish, Phillip, Jacob and the awesome driver was Granty bear. He was cool. so we hopped in the car and drove. Then when we got there we put our stuff away and were staring at our room. After we went to the dining room and got put into bird groups. There was Kaka, Whio, Kakapo, kiwi and Kereru. I was in the Kaka, the best team ever, along with Glen, Kate, Zoey, Connor, Pypah, Jack and Dad and Mike (Kate’s dad). We were a good team. So when we got sorted this lady came and told us about the native animals and the kiwis and predators like the stoat and ferret and this awesome trap for them. After we went to bed and I had the best bed out of all of them. Day 1
Day 2 The next day we had breakfast and packed our bags for an enormous walk up Ngamoko. It took 6 HOURS!!! It was really awesome because we saw some cool views. There was a lot of tall parts that we had to climb up on our hands and knees. But then I accidentally led our group into a big ditch. So that's all we did that day and watched Ice Age 3 at night while drinking Milo and eating baking. Then we went to bed and started to talk. A few minutes later Miss Hewett came and told us off… then we went to bed.
Day 3 On Wednesday we went for a walk to this cool lake and saw some graves. One was for a little baby who was nine months old. Another one was for this old man at the estimated age of 54. And the last one was for this messenger called Michael Noonan. He was a headless horse man because his head got cut off. Then we went back to the cars and drove to a caving place were we did some caving. It was really awesome because it was dark. My favourite cave was this cave we had to climb up and get muddy in. So when we got back we had to have a shower but the bad thing was that the girls’ shower didn’t have any water in them so the boys were only allowed two and a half minutes. Then we went to bed.
Day 4 On the fourth day we went for this walk and saw this picture of a kaka, our team bird. So while we were walking we had morning tea in this type of cabin and we started to sing. When we got back to where we started we had lunch, then we went for a walk around this water fall. It was a cool one and then we saw this awesome view of this rock and a bit of the lake it was magnificent! So when we got back we hanged around our cabin then we had dinner we had to cook it over a fire and it was hard because our one had onions in it and it hurt our eyes so one part I was lying on the ground rubbing then in pain!!! After we went to bed.
Day 5 (conclusion) On the last day we packed our bags and had baking. Then we played in the courts. When everything was tidied and packed up we went home. That was the best camp ever. I loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!