Once upon a time there was a king, but his brother murdered him so that he could be king. The brother also had to get rid of the king’s wife (Danae) and her son (Perseus).
The brother was too afraid to murder Perseus and Danae so he locked them up in a chest and put them in the ocean.
They finally floated to a new land. The king of this land wanted to marry Danae, but she did not want to. He wanted TO GET RID OF PERSEUS SO DANAE WOULD ONLY THINK OF THE KING, so the king could get Danae to marry him.
SO THE KING sent Perseus to Medusa to cut off her head and bring it back. HOPING PERSEUS WOULD DIE IN THE PROCESS.
Perseus didn’t know where to go to find medusa so he asked the three fates. The Fates only had one eye and one tooth. At first the fates did not want to tell Perseus where medusa was. they passed the eye and tooth around to one and another so they couldn’t see anything and perseus took the eye! They would have to tell him where medusa was to get it back.
when Perseus was back on his way he saw Hermes and Athena. Hermes gave him winged boots and Athena gave him a sword and shield. She also told perseus that he should never look at medusa because her ugliness would turn him to stone. She also told him to look into the shield so when he cuts medusas head off he only sees himself and not medusa.
Then all of a suddenly she turned around to see Perseus. He looked into his shield and saw a reflection of Medusa behind him. So he cautiously picked up his sword so medusa couldn’t see and sliced her head off. She screamed and then fell to the floor.
Perseus grabbed the head and slid it into a bag being careful not to look at medusas head, because she can still turn people into stone, then hurried back home.
When Perseus got back home the new king and Danae where still fighting about marriage. Perseus was sick and tired because of all the bickering, so he turned around and showed medusas head to the king and turned him to stone! THE END