Warm-up Week 2 # 2 1.Deep, steep-sided valleys that originate on the continental slope and may extend to the ocean basin floor are called ____. a.slope canyonsc. abyssal plains b.submarine canyonsd. trenches 2.Important mineral deposits, including large reservoirs of oil and natural gas, are associated with ____. a.rift zonesc. mid-ocean ridges b.ocean trenchesd. continental shelves 3.Sediments derived primarily from the products of weathering on the continents are called ____. a.terrigenous sedimentc. hydrogenous sediment b. biogenous sedimentd. calcareous ooze
“Composition of Seawater” 15.1
Q: How is ocean water different than fresh water? Dissolved substances – Taste! – Smell!
Composition of Seawater “Composition” = What it’s ________ of. 3.5% dissolved minerals – Salts! MADE
“Salinity.” “Salinus” = salt Salinity = amount of salt dissolved in water Parts per 1000 = ‰ Most of the salt in seawater = common table salt.
Sources of Salts 1.Weathering! – Chemical weathering of rocks on continents – Erosion by rivers – Deposition in ocean 2.Earth’s interior! – Volcanic eruptions
What affects Salinity? Amount of salt is constant Amount of water changes
Ocean Temp o Variation. 1.Temp o changes with Solar Radiation. – Latitude. 2.Temp o changes with depth. – Thermocline = “heat” + “slope” – Layer of ocean water with fast change in temp o.
Density Variation Density = Mass ÷ Volume – How heavy for size… ↑ Dense = Sinks ↓ 1.↑ Salinity = ↑ Density 2.↑ Temp o = ↓ Density
THERMOCLINEPYCNOCLINE: Rapid Increase in Density with Depth.
Ocean Layers Layered by density. 1.Surface Zone – Shallow – Mixed (waves & wind) 2.Transition Zone – Thermocline – Pycnocline 3.Deep Zone – No sunlight – Cold & Dense
REVIEW: 1.If we poured a cup of salt into our aquarium what would happen to the salinity of the water? 2.What is the difference between a Thermocline and a Pycnocline? 3.Where is the densest layer of the ocean located? What is it called? The salinity (amount of salt in water) would INCREASE Thermocline = layer with great change in temp o Pycnocline = layer with great change in density On the bottom, “The Deep Zone”