JEEViKA Raising Hopes, Transforming lives Bihar Rural Livelihood Promotion Society
JEEViKA : AT A GLANCE Initiated as a poverty alleviation project in 2007 by GoB with assistance from the World Bank. Designated as SRLM (State Rural Livelihoods Mission) to roll out NRLM in Objective- Social & Economic Empowerment of the Rural Poor through: a. Creating self managed community institutions of poorest of the poor and poor households. b. Enhancing income through sustainable livelihoods. c. Increasing access to social protection including food security through greater voice. Mandate to mobilize 1.5 crore Rural Poor HHs into 11 lakh SHGs, Village Organizations (VOs) and 1600 Cluster level federations (CLFs).
JEEViKA : Institutional Platform of the Rural poor for Social & Economic Empowerment Greater Equity Protection under Social Security Schemes Collective Action for Income Enhancement Greater Voice Households 47 lakhs Self Help Group 4.59 lakhs Village Organizations 21 thousand Cluster level Federations 262 Producer Groups 1550
Voters Awareness Campaign in Bihar Election: “An initiative by the Rural Women” JEEVIKA Bihar Rural Livelihood Promotion Society
OBJECTIVE Increase the Women Participation in Voting. Participation in Political Empowerment. CBOs
Process Applied “What to facilitate” developed and Staff were trained to facilitate. Sensitization & Orientation of Community Professionals. Objective Sharing in Community Meeting. Awareness Drive in the Village.
Steps followed: Awareness Drive Orientation at Village Organization & Cluster level Federation level. Community Meeting organized by Village Organizations. Sharing in SHGs meeting. Human Chains formed.
Oath by SHG Members and Facilitators : Each SHG members including community mobilisers in their schedule weekly meeting took oath to use the Right to Vote. Songs in SHGs and Village Organizations: Pico projectors were used for creating awareness. The SHG and Village Organization facilitators – Community Mobilisers and Book Keepers respectively sing the awareness song and install the song on the respective mobiles. Candle March: Candle march were organized by the SHG members to raise the awareness and motivation among the community members to use the power of voting. Human chain by the Community Members: With an objective of participation in voting, human chains were formed across the state in which irrespective of caste & age people’s participated. In one of the case in Muzaffarpur, 8.5 km human chain formed from Bandra to Bargaon chowk on 1 st Sep,15 in which around 10 thousand community members participated. Process Followed : CBOs Meeting and Voter Awareness Drive
MIS In Voters Awareness Campaign BPIU (collected data from CLF Level DPCU (collected data from BPIU SPMU CLF (federation of VO) planning of activities at cluster level CLF meeting conducted by Master book keeper VO (federation of SHGs) planning awareness activities at village level VO meeting conducted by book keeper SHG SHG Weekly meeting: Awareness activities conducted by Community Mobilisers (Household level)) Whatss App Groups formed Pico Projector used for Information Dissemination
Coverage More than 40 lakh HHs mobilised into 4.40 lakh SHG participated in the awareness drive. 21 thousand Village Organizations participated in the Human Chains, Candle march and organise awareness drive in the village. 150 Cluster level federation facilitated Human Chains, Cluster and Block Awareness drives.
Community Participation in Political Empowerment
Thank You Women empowerment is closely connected with awareness, self- dependence, and self-confidence. We aim to make the SHGs sustainable for making the women self-dependent – Shri Nitish Kumar, Chief Minister, Bihar