1 Nov. 2, 2005 Design and Application of Rule Based Access Control Policies Huiying Li, Xiang Zhang, Honghan Wu & Yuzhong Qu Dept. Computer Science & Engineering Southeast University, China
2 Nov. 2, 2005 Outline Our Idea Semantic Web Rule Language Model Design Use Cases Conclusion and Future Work
3 Nov. 2, 2005 Our Idea Requirements of WonderSpace Express access control policies with powerful expressive ability. Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) A Horn clause rules extension to OWL proposed in 2004.
4 Nov. 2, 2005 What is the Idea Express access control policies based on OWL and SWRL OWL: ontology SWRL: rule Friend of a Friend (FOAF) Information about people
5 Nov. 2, 2005 Semantic Web Rule Language SWRL extends OWL DL by adding a simple form of Horn-style rules for the purpose of enhancing expressive ability The form of a rule antecedent consequent.
6 Nov. 2, 2005 Semantic Web Rule Language The antecedent and consequent of a rule consist of zero or more atoms. Atoms can be the form of C(x), P(x, y), Q(x, z), sameAs(x, y) or differentFrom(x, y) An typical example: parent(?a, ?b) brother(?b, ?c) uncle(?a, ?c). It is true in China…
7 Nov. 2, 2005 Model Design - Ontology Assertion about what kinds of agents are permitted/prohibited to access to what kinds of resources
8 Nov. 2, 2005 Model Design - Ontology
9 Nov. 2, 2005 Model Design - Ontology
10 Nov. 2, 2005 Model Design - Rule Give more explicit meaning to properties member(?z, ?x) member(?z, ?y) Person(?x) Person(?y) sameGroupOf(?x, ?y)
11 Nov. 2, 2005 Model Design - Rule Express access control policies member(wonderspace, ?x) isPermittedtoRead(?x, somePaper)
12 Nov. 2, 2005 Use Case Jack published a note about a project plan and asserted that the members of WonderSpace group could read this plan, while the members of his group could edit it online. member(?z, ?x) member(?z, ?y) Person(?x) Person(?y) sameGroupOf(?x, ?y) memberOf(?x,WonderSpace) isPermittedtoRead (?x, plan), sameGroupOf(?y, Jack) isPermittedtoEdit(?y, plan).
13 Nov. 2, 2005 Conclusion and Future Work Prove Our Concept: OWL + SWRL for Access Control Policy Policy Confliction Policy Enforcement Trustworthy of the information source Operational semantics of the policy language.
14 Nov. 2, 2005 Main References I. Horrocks, P. F. Patel-Schneider, H. Boley, S. Tabet, B. Grosof, and M. Dean: SWRL: A semantic web rule language combining owl and ruleml. W3C Member Submission, 21 May J. M. Bradshaw, S. Dutfield, P. Benoit, and J. D. Woolley:KAoS: Toward An Industrial-Strength Open Agent Architecture. Software Agents, J.M. Bradshaw (ed.), AAAI Press (1997) L. Kagal, T. Finin, and A. Joshi: A policy language for a pervasive computing environment. IEEE 4th International Workshop on Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks (2003). P.F. Patel-Schneider, P. Hayes, I. Horrocks (eds.): OWL: Web Ontology Language Semantics and Abstract Syntax. W3C Recommendation 10 February P. Hayes (ed.): RDF Semantics. W3C Recommendation 10 February 2004.
15 Nov. 2, 2005 Thank you !