Government and the People Chapter 8, Lesson #2
The Legislative Branch (Congress) Article 1: Makes laws Two branches: House of Representatives – 435 members Based on state population Two year terms Senate – 100 members 2 members (votes) per state 6 year terms 6 Non-voting members No term limits like president
The Executive Branch Article 2: Carries out laws passed by Congress Led by President Commander in Chief of military Cabinet Members Heads of 15 executive departments Secretary of Defense Secretary of the Treasury Secretary of Education Secretary of State
The Judicial Branch Article 3: Establishes the Supreme Court Interprets (explains) laws Judicial Review: make sure the other branches follow the rules of the Constitution. 9 members of the Supreme Court Nominated by the President Approved by the Senate In office until they die or retire Congress establishes lower federal courts
Your Rights! Due Process: 5th amendment no one shall “be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” Right to trial Gov’t can’t take away your freedom without following the rule of law. Equal Protection: 14th amendment law must treat all people in the same way—no matter what race, religion, or political group they belong to.
Responsibilities of a Citizen Duty: (Have to do) Pay taxes Follow laws Sit on a Jury when called (Jury duty) Responsibility: (Should do) Vote Take part in gov’t Respect the right’s of others