ESW: Communication Level 2/3 Active Citizenship
Hand in Homework – 750/1000 word essay with plan. Decode the following; GUNMAN FARTHICKIF RELYVSA EALGLIL EOPICL
To explore evidence that Slavery still exists in Britain To write a news article showing our findings
C2.3.1 Write two documents of different types, each one giving different information to different audiences in appropriate formats and using language that is appropriate to your purpose and audience. One document must be at least 500 words long. (Human Rights Essay) Level 3 = 1000 words***
Using both Documents Plan and Write a 750 word extended writing piece on Human Rights. The plan and the finished product are 2 separate documents The essay must include; What are Human Rights; where did they originate; are they universal? When have they been broken? What do you think. *** Level 3 = 1000 words+*****
Your teacher will mark this and you will need to complete draft 2 using the feedback Final Evidence - Plan - Draft 1 - Draft 2 (100% accurate for SPAG and referenced correctly)
Slavery was made illegal in 1807 However, it is still going on all over the world today even in Britain. Human Trafficking is a form of modern day slavery Human Trafficking is still such a problem in 2011 Wales created the first Anti Human Trafficking Coordinator role.
In small groups read your article Describe the key points to the rest of the class
On plain a4 paper plan your news article. Include; Newspaper name; headline, sub headline, key words in bold, picture and caption
Use Microsoft Publisher to create your own news article on Modern day slavery and Human Trafficking in Britain.
Plan Draft 1 Draft 2 (100% accurate for SPAG and referencing)
ALL outstanding evidence (especially 2.2 and 2.3)
Name one key fact you have found interesting Why did you find this interesting?