Social institutions affect the identity formation of individuals Think about how you are affected by: Family The media Education Religion The economy Politics
Women statistically live longer than men in Canada What does this mean for caregiving? Mental health issues are prevalent Since 1970, suicide rates have increased (3500 people yearly, 2% of all deaths) Caused by a sense of hopelessness and lack of control Men are 4x more likely to commit suicide than women
Emile Durkheim (Sociologist) suggests suicide increases when expectations set by society are not met and a lack of control is felt Society historically has lower expectations for women in their roles, therefore they are less likely to commit suicide Women also form their identity through relationships with others so they are more likely to seek support How would a Structural Functionalist explain? Symbolic interactionist?
“Having no fixed place to sleep at night” The number of homeless youth has increased by 80% in Toronto since 1992 people in Toronto access the homeless shelters 3 categories of causes: 1. Disruptive family conditions (i.e. abuse) 2. Residential instability (i.e. foster care, runaways) 3. Financial Crisis (i.e. after living independently)
Most depend on begging or illegal means (selling drugs or sex) to meet basic needs Health is compromised by high-risk lifestyle Suffer more from infections, malnutrition, STIs Rates of psychological disorders are high Street youth have a mortality rate 13x higher than other youth Not likely to return to school, so they have limited knowledge and skills How would the conflict theory explain??
Immigration creates challenges during identity formation Pressure to excel at school and work but expectations can remain for traditional gender roles in the family Children of immigrant families are more likely to become assimilated into Canadian culture than their parents Why? Socialization at school Additional challenges arise when cultural values conflict between the country of origin and new country
70% of high school students say the cost of post-secondary education is a barrier 87% of Canadian parents hope their children will go to college/university but many cannot help pay Many fear the debts after graduation Students from lower income families will have more debt Tuitions continue to increase yearly
Having multiple roles can create personal conflict and stress What are the roles of young adults? Student, volunteer, employee, friend, son/daughter, sibling, caregiver, etc. Sandwich generation – young adults acting as both caregivers for their children and aging parents
Create a “survival kit” that lists items a young person needs to make it through the issues we discussed today Include advice and resources in your kit as well (i.e. where can they go for help?)