Attempt at Unification After 1815, Prussia emerged as an alternative to a Habsburg-based Germany 1849 “Grossdeutsch Plan” – Unified Germany including Prussia and Austria – Austria had blocked an attempt of Frederick William IV of Prussia to unify Germany “Kleindeutsch Plan” – Unified Germany without Austria
Otto von Bismarck Led the way for a Prussian based Hohenzollern Germany Used his power to unify German states into the German Empire
Prussian-Danish War 1863 Germany & Austria defeated Denmark and took control of the provinces of Schleswig and Holstein Provinces were jointly administrated by Prussia and Austria but conflict between the two would led to major war
Austro-Prussian War 1866 Bismarck sought a localized war – Made agreement with France, Italy and Russia for noninterference Prussia’s use of railroads to mass troops and use of the breech-loading rifle proved superior to Austria’s military effort Prussia’s victory unified much of Germany without Austria
North German Confederation 1867 Established by Bismarck with King William I as president Included all the German states except Baden, Wurttemburg, Bavaria, and Saxony Each state retained its own local gov’t Reichstag – Upper House/Lower House
Franco-Prussian War Ems Dispatch – Bismarck baited France into war using false information Bismarck used the war to bring in the four remaining German states into the Northern German Confederation Prussia defeated France with ease capturing Napoleon III Treaty of Frankfurt, 1871
German Empire Germany now the most powerful nation in Europe William I became Emperor Bismarck became Imperial Chancellor Second Reich – – German Empire’s gov’t
Austro-Hungarian Empire
Ethnic Groups Hungarians and Czechs continued to demand self-determination Austria’s defeat by Germany weakened its power
Ausgleich (Compromise) Created the Austro-Hungarian Empire Hungarians had their own assembly, cabinet, and administration Would support and participate with Austria in the Imperial Army and in Imperial gov’t
Issues Gov’t was not integrated due to differences among ethnic groups Language used in school and gov’t was major issue Anti-Semitism toward Jews profound Wealthy began to take control Hapsburg leadership lost power in 1871
Nationalism Unlike most major countries, which used nationalism to strengthen the state after 1871, the Austro-Hungarian Empire was weakened and destroyed by it