Embedded Credit **your name here**. Definitions Embedded Credit –Embedded Credit –


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Presentation transcript:

Embedded Credit **your name here**

Definitions Embedded Credit –Embedded Credit –

We are proposing to offer embedded academic credit for those students who complete: (List student requirements here)(List student requirements here) Student Requirements

In Missouri a School Board can award credit based on a curriculumIn Missouri a School Board can award credit based on a curriculum We can: DESE is not involved if it does not go through Core DataWe can: DESE is not involved if it does not go through Core Data Funding from Missouri DESE (Perkins, local PD and state HSTW funds were also used)Funding from Missouri DESE (Perkins, local PD and state HSTW funds were also used) We need it for the following reasons:We need it for the following reasons: Perkins III: This program has accountability requirements that are based on student achievement in mathematics and language arts along with placement requirements. The Congressional debate over future Perkins funding is centering on the idea that CTE classes do not assist in raising overall academic achievement scoresPerkins III: This program has accountability requirements that are based on student achievement in mathematics and language arts along with placement requirements. The Congressional debate over future Perkins funding is centering on the idea that CTE classes do not assist in raising overall academic achievement scores Part of our Perkins Accountability PlanPart of our Perkins Accountability Plan Rationale

We needed it for the following reasons (con’t):We needed it for the following reasons (con’t): The majority of the sending school students lose two credits due to travel. This program would allow them to earn as many credits as other students in their schoolsThe majority of the sending school students lose two credits due to travel. This program would allow them to earn as many credits as other students in their schools The granting of embedded credit will help all districts meet the MSIP requirement for dropouts by allowing some students to earn additional credits and remain on track to graduate with their class. This may be even more important as accountability moves from dropouts to graduation ratesThe granting of embedded credit will help all districts meet the MSIP requirement for dropouts by allowing some students to earn additional credits and remain on track to graduate with their class. This may be even more important as accountability moves from dropouts to graduation rates CTE graduates must have the skills needed by industry.CTE graduates must have the skills needed by industry. Advisory Committees have continuously pointed out the lack of math and reading skills of our graduatesAdvisory Committees have continuously pointed out the lack of math and reading skills of our graduates Rationale

We need it for the following reasons (con’t):We need it for the following reasons (con’t): CTE graduates must learn how to learn to keep pace with future changeCTE graduates must learn how to learn to keep pace with future change Embedded credit is tied to employability skillsEmbedded credit is tied to employability skills All aspects of the IndustryAll aspects of the Industry CTE students see the connection between academic skills and their career fieldCTE students see the connection between academic skills and their career field HSTW: There are several areas of the HSTW reform model that the granting of “embedded” credit will allow the district to meet. Academic and vocational integration is critical for both the high school and the vocational school. The extra work to earn the “embedded” credit will add rigor to our vocational programs and there will be homework for most of the vocational studentsHSTW: There are several areas of the HSTW reform model that the granting of “embedded” credit will allow the district to meet. Academic and vocational integration is critical for both the high school and the vocational school. The extra work to earn the “embedded” credit will add rigor to our vocational programs and there will be homework for most of the vocational students Rationale

We need it for the following reasons (con’t):We need it for the following reasons (con’t): The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics states, “All students should study mathematics in each of the four years they are enrolled in high school.” “Because student’s interests and aspirations may change during and after high school, their mathematics education should guarantee access to a broad spectrum of career and educational options. They should experience the interplay of algebra, geometry, statistics, probability, and discrete mathematics”The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics states, “All students should study mathematics in each of the four years they are enrolled in high school.” “Because student’s interests and aspirations may change during and after high school, their mathematics education should guarantee access to a broad spectrum of career and educational options. They should experience the interplay of algebra, geometry, statistics, probability, and discrete mathematics” Students who can earn additional credits can stay in the CTE programsStudents who can earn additional credits can stay in the CTE programs Students who can earn additional credits can attend CTE classes and still graduateStudents who can earn additional credits can attend CTE classes and still graduate Our enrollment has already reached capacityOur enrollment has already reached capacity Rationale

We need it for the following reasons (con’t):We need it for the following reasons (con’t): Higher graduation requirements for core areasHigher graduation requirements for core areas Highs That Work requirementsHighs That Work requirements NCLB and ALL students achievingNCLB and ALL students achieving Perkins accountabilityPerkins accountability All CTE programs are currently articulated with two community colleges for 18 to 36 college creditsAll CTE programs are currently articulated with two community colleges for 18 to 36 college credits Reduce graduates who attend post-secondary school having to take remedial math, reading and/or writing classesReduce graduates who attend post-secondary school having to take remedial math, reading and/or writing classes Embedded credit will lead to better preparation to the Compass TestEmbedded credit will lead to better preparation to the Compass Test Rationale

We need it for the following reasons (con’t):We need it for the following reasons (con’t): President Bush has called for raising graduation requirementsPresident Bush has called for raising graduation requirements Missouri has raised graduation requirementsMissouri has raised graduation requirements HSTW recommends raising graduation requirementHSTW recommends raising graduation requirement 4 language arts4 language arts 3 math3 math 3 science3 science 3 social studies3 social studies Rationale

Keys to the Success Developed buy-in from staffDeveloped buy-in from staff Invited academic content teachers to our Center to see what we do and look at curriculumInvited academic content teachers to our Center to see what we do and look at curriculum Meetings to discuss curriculumsMeetings to discuss curriculums Principals and counselors supportPrincipals and counselors support School Board(s) supportSchool Board(s) support Outside agencies:Outside agencies: DESE: credit, fundingDESE: credit, funding Area Post-Secondary InstitutionsArea Post-Secondary Institutions

Core Academic Instructors:Core Academic Instructors: Visit CTE programs to see how their subjects are relatedVisit CTE programs to see how their subjects are related Develop list of topics for credit & handouts to define topicsDevelop list of topics for credit & handouts to define topics Assist with crosswalkingAssist with crosswalking Write assessmentsWrite assessments Talk with CTE to find common ground (this is key)Talk with CTE to find common ground (this is key) CTE Instructors:CTE Instructors: Attend in-services in the classroom and curriculum developmentAttend in-services in the classroom and curriculum development Crosswalk vocational competencies with academic contentCrosswalk vocational competencies with academic content Incorporate academic content in their classesIncorporate academic content in their classes Develop vocabulary listsDevelop vocabulary lists CTE instructors “emphasized” the embedded topics as they appeared in their curriculumsCTE instructors “emphasized” the embedded topics as they appeared in their curriculums Teacher Activities

Additional Help CTE Instructors may need extra help in incorporating academic content.CTE Instructors may need extra help in incorporating academic content. Tools could be:Tools could be: Textbooks purchased and aligned to the various topics; students could check them outTextbooks purchased and aligned to the various topics; students could check them out Study guides developed for each topicStudy guides developed for each topic Assessment help sessionsAssessment help sessions Classroom instruction provided on weekly topicsClassroom instruction provided on weekly topics

Lots of work over approximately two year periodLots of work over approximately two year period Need buy-in from everyone:Need buy-in from everyone: School board(s)School board(s) AdministrationAdministration Sending school teachersSending school teachers CTE instructorsCTE instructors Someone responsible to manage the projectSomeone responsible to manage the project Award credit through a certified math & language arts teacherAward credit through a certified math & language arts teacher Determine how credit will be awardedDetermine how credit will be awarded Require ALL students to test and work toward masteryRequire ALL students to test and work toward mastery Implementation Requires