Sleepy Hollow Elementary School Lisa Barrow Principal
Primarily Math Focus 28 observations Title I School, 54% free/reduced 460 students, K-5 FOCUS for mathematics 95% improvement in math SOL last school year
Grades for Observation
Implications Just a few observations in December January snow impacted observations, so most completed in February. Little comparison data since just two before January
State Visits/PD Plan High level tasks in upper, lots of learning tools and metacognitive strategies in place Need for high level tasks in primary, low yield practices but strong classroom management PD around math workshop implementation (including high level tasks) and Balanced Literacy Focus with emphasis on running records and anecdotal notes
What’s next? Commitments made to doing the work, culture shift All Things PLC conference this summer in Syracuse Teacher leaders to lead teams & create high yield lessons through high functioning/high impact teams with increased common assessments Re-evaluating language arts block practices (Jan Richardson’s Next Steps in Guided Reading) Sustaining work in math workshop Mindset…always Continue to develop RI as a foundation for our work