How it Works Nuclear Power is a step by step process. Uranium rods are used as fuel, the heat that the fuel makes is called, Nuclear Fission. Nuclear Fissions occurs in the Containment Building. During Nuclear Fission what happens is neutrons smashed into Uranium Atoms, The Neutrons spilt in half and give off more heat. The heat given off, heats up the water, which is pumped through the entire generator, the water is used to take heat away, so steam is made. Than the steam starts the turn the turbines found in the Generator.
“Real World” Nuclear Power is a great way to make electricy. The price cost similar to coal so its not expensive, and fuel is very cheap. Very little pollution is done, which is what America wants. The plants don’t give off carbon dioxide which is another way for us to be “green”. The plants save so much energy at the same time giving off so much electricy. Although there are risks, that occur one in a million, Nuclear Plants are very admired.
Problems? Very little waste is produced, which is good. But the waste that IS produced is very bad. Its very dangerous to people around, and far away. The waste that is given has radioactivity If something bad was to happen, like a meltdown. There are rods that drop and stop the entire process immediately. The rods are made out of Uranium, which is found in the Earth. Once we used the Earths Uranium, all of it, there will be no more left
How Much does a Nuclear Power Plant Co$t? When having a Nuclear Power Plant, the government must pay for; The construction of building the actual plant. The cost of waste disposal. Which is a very difficult process. The cost of shutting the whole entire plant down, when something goes wrong. The Cost of the plant and keeping it going and the generator. It really depends on what the power plant is like and where it is. But just for shuting a plant down, its costs about $300 million dollars. In just the country of France, they have spent $71 billion dollars on waste disposal.
New Jersey. Is Nuclear Power used in NJ? – There hasn’t been a new and updated one since the 70’s Where? – At Hope Creek, which is at Hancocks Bridge, NJ. Whom? – PSEG Nuclear LLC
Myths About Nuclear Power Uranium is running out. - There was a recent significant amount of Uranium found. Nuclear is not a low-carbon option. - Plants give off very little carbon dioxide. Nuclear power is expensive. - Costs come close to plants using coal. Reactors produce too much waste - They actually give off very little. But its very dangerous. Leukemia rates are higher near reactors - Rates aren't higher if you live near one. But if there was a meltdown or explosion, that’s a different story
Myths About Nuclear Power (continued) Reactors lead to increase of weapons. - Nuclear is monitored and Policed. It can not be exchanged or given to anyone.