Presentations Using Slides: Best Practices A Presentation by Max Macias PCC 10/23/2014
Limit Bullet Points and Text Don’t do this: 1)Outline main points with bullets a)Use subheadings on a slide i)See how cluttered it gets when this happens? 1) It is hard to read and doesn’t help make your point 2)Talk about your points a)The slides are meant to enhance your points 3)Use slides only for emphasis a)Slides are not meant to be outline containers! i)Too much text is bad--this is not a paper! 4)Too much text clutters the slide and audience minds
Too Many Ideas on One Slide
Slides Should Emphasize Your Point
Limit Transitions and Animations This is tough to watch when overly done. Nobody likes this--it can make one dizzy. I will frequently leave presentations like this. This is a major faux pas.
Use This! Not This!
Malcolm X on the Field Negro versus the House Negro
Three Takeaways or Less!
Limit Slides to 15 or Less