Dalhousie CPD 2014 Disclosure FOR SLIDES You must disclose at the outset of your presentation (2 years, all sources, any amount) SLIDE 1: Affiliations (if none stop here) SLIDE 2: Does this in any way relate to topic? SLIDE 3: How has this been mitigated? You may not use slides from industry presentations- EVEN WITH THE LOGO removed
Dalhousie CPD 2014 Relationship with Industry The Faculty of Medicine has a “Relationship with Industry” guideline When “Presenting for Industry” specifically, the Dalhousie logo should not be displayed at any time in the session Recognition of industry support for work being presented should be included in the disclosure statement
Dalhousie CPD 2014 Copyright FOR SLIDES All sources must be referenced Tables and diagrams must be referenced All imaging studies and test results must have patient identifiers removed: CROPPING IS NOT SUFFICIENT as the information remains in the file You may not use slides from industry presentations- EVEN WITH THE LOGO removed
Dalhousie CPD 2014 Remuneration We do not pay honoraria All speakers are welcome to attend the conference and receive CPD credits at no charge All accredited Faculty Development is free of charge for a 2 year period after having provided a CPD session