Introduction to Semesters Class of 2018
Daily Bell Schedule Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7 1 st period 7:45-8:45 60 min ABAAAAA 2 nd period 8:50-9:45 55 min BCCBBBB 3 rd period 9:50-10:45 55 min CDDDCCC 4 th period LUNCH 10:50-11:20 11:20-11:50 11:50-12:20 60 min DEEEEDD 5 th period 12:25-1:20 55 min EFFFFFE 6 th period 1:25-2:20 55 min FGGGGGG Drop GDrop ADrop BDrop CDrop DDrop EDrop F
Advisory Schedule Early Release Day Schedule 1st period7:45-8:35 (50 min)1st period 7:45 - 8:17 (32 min) 2nd period8:40-9:25 (45 min)2nd period 8:22 - 8:49 (27 min) 3rd period9:30-10:15 (45 min)3rd period 8:54 - 9:21 (27 min) Advisory10:20-11:05 (45 min)4th period Lunch 1: 9:26 - 9:56 Lunch 2: 9: :26 Lunch 3: 10: :56 (30 min lunch, 60 min class) 4th period Lunch 1: 11:10-11:40 Lunch 2: 11:40-12:10 Lunch 3: 12:10-12:40 (30 min lunch, 60 min class) 5th period 11: :28 (27 min) 5th period12:45-1:30 (45 min) 6th period 11: :00 (27 min) 6th period1:35-2:20 (45 min)
Day Date 1 Thursday, December 15, Friday, December 16, 2016 Snow day 3 Monday, December 19, Tuesday, December 20, Wednesday, December 21, Thursday, December 22, 2016 How will I know what the schedule is?
Semester Grading Periods Semester 1Semester 2 Progress reports in early November Progress reports in early April Semester ends in mid-January Semester ends in mid-June
Sample 11 th grade Schedule Semester 1Semester 2 English Science Social Studies Math World Language Elective Elective/DS/Acad Skills
11 th grade Schedule with Ensemble Semester 1Semester 2 English Science Social Studies Math World Language Elective/DS/Acad Skills Music/Dance Ensemble
11 th grade Schedule with AP Biology Semester 1Semester 2 English Math Social Studies AP Biology Elective World Language Elective/DS/Acad Skills
11 th grade Schedule with AP Calc BC Semester 1Semester 2 English Science Social Studies World Language AP Calc BC Elective Elective/DS/Acad Skills
11 th grade Schedule with Math Elective Semester 1Semester 2 English Science Social Studies World Language Math Math Elective alternates with DS/Acad Skills Elective
11 th grade Schedule with AP Bio and AP Calc BC Semester 1Semester 2 English AP Calc BC Social Studies World Language AP Bio Social Studies Elective/DS/Acad Skills
What about… homework? exams? the attendance policy?
Tue 1/26 and Thurs 1/28 Question and Answer sessions with school counselors in room 101 after school from 2:30 - 3:00 p.m. Feb breakRegistration materials mailed home. Mon 2/22Students receive additional materials for pre-registration in Advisory Online registration opens at 12:15 p.m. Tues 2/23 – Wed 2/24 Departmental presentations on course registration in all classes Tues 2/23 – Thurs 2/25 Electives Fair held at lunch Mon 2/22- Fri 2/26 Registration assistance available in Room 141 during all lunch periods Mon 2/29– Thurs 4/15 School counselors review requests and meet with students individually to address registration and scheduling concerns. Thurs 5/12Course Request Verifications (and Progress Reports) distributed to students for review and signature of parent/guardians. Return Verification sheets to A period teacher. Fri 5/20Deadline for Verification Sheets. Return to A period teacher. Late AugustStudent schedules mailed home to families. Course Registration Timeline