The Horses of the APOCOLYPSE 4 TH HORSE The 4 TH HORSE begins to ride in The EARTH
Red Horse Black Horse 2 nd Seal 3 rd Seal Green Horse 4 th Seal 1 st Seal White Horse The 1 st Four Seals of Seven in Revelation are opened by Jesus 2 nd Horse3 rd Horse4 th Horse1 st Horse These Four Horses of the Apocalypse are From Satan Let’s take a deeper look 4 TH HORSE Into this 4 TH HORSE of THE APOCOLYPSE Pale Green Horse Death sat on a Pale Green Horse & Hell followed him! Power given him to kill ¼ of the earth with Sword, Hunger, Death & beasts
Those in this Kingdom are doomed to eternal darkness & death in the Lake of Fire! These love themselves! 4 TH SEAL SATANISDOOMEDSATANISDOOMEDO JESUS IS LORDJESUS IS LORD ENDTIME PROGRESSION OF PERSONS IN EACH GROUP Kingdom of Darkness Satan’s Kingdom 4 TH SEAL Kingdom of Light Those in this Kingdom inherit eternal life in the light & presence of God! These LOVE GOD! Yahwah’s Kingdom Yahwah’s Kingdom LIFE DEATH 4 th 2 nd YEAR SEAL 4 TH SEAL And when he had opened the Fourth Seal fourth beast I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, come and see. pale horse: And I looked, and behold a pale (green) horse: and his name that sat on him was DEATH HELL DEATH and HELL followed with him. those in the world Worldwide economic collapses and extreme inflation over the course of the last few years has forced those in the world to take the “mark of the beast” to survive and buy and sell. Some Christians Some Christians who prepared in advance, by heeding the “watchman’s” voice depend on God! Tried in the furnace
Pale Green Horse 3 Seals have passed and the 4 th Seal 4 th Seal is opened. 18 Months have passed since the “beginning of sorrows” 4th SEAL 1st2nd3rd 4 th Horse The Last Days CHART OF THE BOOK of REVELATION & The End of the World! Charting the New World Order 4 th Seal THEENDT IMES The First 6 Seals THE CROSS OF THE CROSS OF Birthpangs 4 th Seal Green Horse Rev6:7,8 CHRIST Birthpangs Of the Manchild Chart of the Book of Revelation Chart of the Book of Revelation THREE SEALS EIGHTEEN MONTHS THREE SEALS have been opened! EIGHTEEN MONTHS have passed since the beginning of the Birthpangs and the USA has gone under UN control!
Pale Green Horse Death Death sat on a Pale (Green) Horse & Hell followed him! Power was given him to kill ¼ of the earth with SWORD, HUNGER & DEATH & with the BEASTS of the earth. 4th SEAL 1st2nd3rd 4 th Horse The Last Days CHART OF THE BOOK of REVELATION & The End of the World! Charting the New World Order 4 th Seal THEENDT IMES The First 6 Seals THE CROSS OF THE CROSS OF Birthpangs 4 th Seal Green Horse Rev6:7,8 Pale Green Horse 4th SEAL Pale Green Horse Green Green is the color ofISLAM 4th SEAL CHRIST Birthpangs Of the Manchild Persecution of Christians is increasing Islam Death & Hell follows the False Religion of Islam. It is a religion of war! Pale Green Horse Death Death sat on a Pale (Green) Horse & Hell followed him! Power was given him to kill ¼ of the earth with SWORD, HUNGER & DEATH & with the BEASTS of the earth. 4th SEAL ISLAM Death & Hell follows ISLAM! Death to non- adherents & Hell to its followers!! World War III Even though Iraq (Babylon #2) fell to US forces, as well as possibly by NATO troops, and certainly led by UN mandate, the rest of the Islamic world even became more infuriated against Israel and the West. (World War III) And this war (World War III) would go on for another two years, until the beginning of the Great Tribulation would then begin! 4th SEAL HUNGERHUNGER unsustainable will continue to worsen as the worlds food supplies continue to dwindle as a result of war, drought, floods, earthquakes and the UN withholding food from citizens that they deem unsustainable!! Famine wild animals Famine will continue to worsen and even wild animals will kill humans for food in an unprecedented way never seen before! 4th SEAL Mark of the Beast World Food Bank The World Food Bank will be controlled by the United Nations and it will give “terminator seeds”, which are seeds that are hybrid and sterile. They will be given only to persons whose countries except the new cashless & electronic economic system, and those leaders will only have them given to persons/businesses who have taken “the mark of the beast” as well. 4th SEAL Muslim countries will not take the “mark of the beast” and will continue to try to kill all those who do not convert to Islam! 4th SEAL Chart of the Book of Revelation Chart of the Book of Revelation