Professor Louis Appleby Director, National Confidential Inquiry Chair, National Suicide Prevention Strategy (England)
Suicide rate, England Source: ONS ICD 10 codes X60-X84 (for 10 year olds and over), Y10-Y34 (for 15 year olds and over), excluding Y where the coroner's verdict was pending up to ICD 9 codes E950-E959 (for 10 year olds and over) and E980- E989 (for 15 year olds and over), excluding E Record low in Rise from 2008, linked to recession
Suicide rates in NHS areas Colour-coded, highest rates = darkest
Suicide rates in England, by age and gender Source: ONS ICD10 X60-X84 (for 10 year olds and over) and Y10-Y34 (for 15 year olds and over) Rates in men 3 x higher Highest rates in men years Higher in over 75s
Age-specific male suicide rates Eng & Wales, Source: ONS (derived)
National Suicide Prevention Strategy 2012: Reduce risk in high risk groups Tailor approaches to improve mental health in specific groups Reduce access to the means of suicide Support for those bereaved by suicide Support media in delivering sensitive approaches to suicide Support research, data collection and monitoring Six actions
Patient suicide, UK //
Suicide in inpatients and under crisis resolution/home treatment Suicide under CRHT now 3 x in- patient care 37% within a week 43% living alone Source: NCI, 2015
Mental health patient suicide: contact with other services/agencies Patient was also under: Substance misuse services12% Social care 12% Probation/diversion 2% Employment services 2% And in the 3m before suicide: Left in-patient care 17% A&E for self-harm15% Section 136 MHA 2% Source: NCI
Rates of self-harm in persons aged 15+, Source: The Multicentre study of self-harm in England, 2015 Rising self-harm rate in males Female to male difference narrowing
Self-harm and suicide 50% of people who die by suicide have history of self-harm Risk of suicide increased up to 50-fold in year after self-harm 1 in 50 of people seen in A&E after self-harm have died within a year
Suicide risk & number of GP consultations in previous 12 months Suicide linked to frequent GP consultation 12-fold increase with attendance x 2 per month Risk also high in non- attenders
APPG survey found that: 30% of LAs do no suicide audit work 30% of LAs have no suicide prevention action plan (+ 24% “in development”) 40% of LAs have no multi-agency suicide prevention group Local suicide prevention plans
Suicide prevention local action plans Services that men will access Plan to reduce heavy drinking Prevent suicide clusters
Suicide prevention at hotspots Barriers Helplines Intervention/patrols Local media Source: PHE
UK_SUICIDE © National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Homicide by People with Mental Illness. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced in whole or part without the permission of the copyright holder. Sensationalising and romanticising suicide
Local variation in male suicide rates
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