1 Hartlepool Education Commission ~ Health and Wellbeing Louise Wallace ~ Director of Public Health
2 Introduction We know that there is overwhelming evidence that pupils behaviour and wellbeing has an impact on their educational outcomes L Morrison Gutman & J Vorhaus, (2012) The impact of pupil behaviour and wellbeing on educational outcomes
5 The picture in Hartlepool - Smoking
6 What needs to be done - Smoking For Hartlepool to be similar to the….. North East Average: ? fewer smokers per month England Average: ? fewer smokers per month 2 8
7 The picture in Hartlepool - Birthweight
8 What needs to be done - Birthweight For Hartlepool to be similar to the….. North East Average: ? fewer low birthweight births per year England Average: ? fewer low birthweight births per year 3 5
9 The picture in Hartlepool - Breastfeeding
10 What needs to be done - Breastfeeding For Hartlepool to be similar to the….. North East Average: ? more breastfed babies per month England Average: ? more breastfed babies per month 12 25
11 The picture in Hartlepool - Breastfeeding
12 What needs to be done - Breastfeeding For Hartlepool to be similar to the….. North East Average: ? more breastfed babies (at 6-8 weeks) per month England Average: ? more breastfed babies (at 6-8 weeks) per month 10 25
13 73% Leeds 77% Sheffield 77% Mansfield Calderdale 78% Trafford 73% Stockport 74% North East Hartlepool What needs to be done - Breastfeeding
15 The picture in Hartlepool - Immunisations MMR = measles, mumps, and rubella
16 What needs to be done - Immunisations For Hartlepool to be similar to the….. North East Average: ? more children to receive MMR per year England Average: ? more children to receive MMR per year 50 8
17 The picture in Hartlepool - Obesity
18 What needs to be done - Obesity For Hartlepool to be similar to the….. North East Average: ? fewer obese 5-year-olds per year England Average: ? fewer obese 5-year-olds per year 10 20
19 The picture in Hartlepool - Obesity
20 What needs to be done - Obesity For Hartlepool to be similar to the….. North East Average: ? fewer obese 11-year-olds per year England Average: ? fewer obese 11-year-olds per year 5 25
21 Perceptions of obesity – What is normal?
23 The picture in Hartlepool - Conceptions
24 What needs to be done - Conceptions For Hartlepool to be similar to the….. North East Average: ? fewer conceptions per year England Average: ? fewer conceptions per year 2 16
25 The picture in Hartlepool – Sexual Health
26 What needs to be done – Sexual Health For Hartlepool to be similar to the….. North East Average: ? fewer chlamydia diagnosis per month England Average: ? fewer chlamydia diagnosis per month 7 15
27 The picture in Hartlepool – Substance Misuse
28 What needs to be done – Substance Misuse For Hartlepool to be similar to the….. North East Average: ? less admission per year England Average: ? fewer admissions per year 1 8
29 The picture in Hartlepool – Injuries
30 What needs to be done – Injuries For Hartlepool to be similar to the….. North East Average: ? more admissions due to injury per month England Average: ? fewer admissions due to injury per month Hartlepool rate lower than the NE
31 The picture in Hartlepool – Mental Health
32 What needs to be done – Mental Health For Hartlepool to be similar to the….. North East Average: ? more self-harm admissions per year England Average: ? fewer self-harm admissions per year 8 6 Hartlepool rate lower than the NE
33. The picture in Hartlepool - Absence
34 Public health priorities for children and young people Ensure that children and young people maintain a healthy weight Reduce the rate of under 18 conceptions Improve young peoples sexual health Reduce the number of young people admitted to hospital due to substance misuse Improve the emotional health and wellbeing of children and young people
35 What can schools do to improve the health and wellbeing of children & young people Deliver a PSHE curriculum that: –Addresses all aspects of health and wellbeing including emotional health –Is based on evidence and good practice –Is appropriate to the pupils age